BillyBob's First Grow-Lowryder & El Monstre F2

After reading a few other journals I think I'll go into more detail...

This is my first REAL grow attempt. I tried a few times in college but the only time I really put effort into it, I had about 10 plants about 8"-10" tall. I had to leave for a week and put one of my roommates in charge to take care of my ladies....

Well, let's just say that he over watered them and the died. We will say that because that's exactly what I think happened. It's really ok though because I hadn't done my homework and really had no idea what I was doing.

So this time around I did my homework. I have scoured over tons and tons of internet resources, and I believe that considering I have no actual experience that I'm as ready as I can possibly be.

I am using a closet in my spare bedroom at home. I am using (2) fluorescent Phillips T12 Cool White 40 Watt bulbs for my vegetation stage. I plan on switching to warm white bulbs when I reach time to flower. For my soil I am using Miracle Grow Organic for vegetables, flowers and herbs. I know a lot of people think that MG is a terrible idea, but I live in a small Southern town and outside of what is available at Home Depot there's pretty "slim pickens" (told ya I am from the South so expect some lingo).

I haven't purchased plant food yet as I am waiting until Week 3 to begin feeding.

All advice is welcome!
Excellent I have ordered the Lowryder from Sannies as well. I am a first time grower as well, going to be using a 250 W HPS for lighting. Still deciding on an organic mix. But will be doing the potting soil/perlite/bat and worm castings tea mix most likely. Please keep this journal up to date as I am very interested in your grow.

Good luck mate!!
Here are some pictures of my babies here on Day 6. The El Monstre F2 are the taller of the bunch. And unfortunately I had one seed that has yet to sprout. I have been watering mostly just when the dirt gets dry. Does anyone have any specific advice for me on watering at this point? Thanks! P.s. The first two pics are the Lowryder and the last is the El Monstre F2.
LowRyder Day6.jpgLowryder Day6.1.jpgElMonstreF2Day6.jpg
OK, it's been a while since I have updated this thread. You can check out my progress also on my profile journal. But here's all the pics I have of this grow in chronological order. I started out with 10 lowryder seeds and 5 El Monstre F2. The Lowryder seeds were autoflowering and I didnt realize it until it was too late. So far one has survived. Fortunately 4 out of 5 ELMF2's have survived and at least two of them are female. I didn't have room for 15 plants anyway. I'm a rookie, but learning. Please feel free to offer any constructive criticism as I am always willing to be coached! Enjoy!BigBoyWeek8.2.jpgRecoveredWK9.jpgElMonstreF2.Week2.jpgGrowsetup3.jpgMother Plant Week7.jpgLowryderWeek4.jpgMPW8.jpgOverallWk9.2.jpgView attachment 1581080MPW8.2.jpgGrowsetup2.jpgBigBoyWeek2.jpgView attachment 1581090Topper1.jpgOverallWK9.1.jpgSeedlingWK3.jpgGrowsetup1.jpgPlantDay1.jpgTopper.jpgbbw7.jpgMPStemsW7.jpgMothership Week8.jpgMother Plant Week 4.jpgPlantDay1.1.jpgBigBoyWeek9.jpgMPW7.jpgGrowSetup.jpgElmonstreF2.Week2.1.jpgMotherShipWK9.jpgPlantDay1.2.jpgBigBoyWeek8.jpgOverallWK9.jpgBigBoyWeek4.jpgTopperWK1.1.jpgMotherShipWK9.5.jpgTheRoom.jpgBigBoyWk9.5.jpgTopperWk1.jpg