Check your facts pure, I'm 100% american and ex army infantry and don't believe one damn thing about the official 911 "story". Never did buy the official story totally but accepted it initially, then years after I started researching it online and spent a considerable amount of time watching video's and looking up evidence on my own over and over. When you do that, the truth becomes clearer.
The official story doesn't explain why the pentagon was hit by a missle and why damage is completely inconsitant with a plane hitting it. The original hole in the pentagon doesn't fit a plane, doesn't show tail impact or wing impact or engine impact locations and isn't anywhere near learge enough to hold a plane that would make that "story" fit whatsoever. Also never in history had even one steel frame skyskraper dropped at near freefall speed, but on that day three of them fell perfectly, three miracles in a single day not just two, and building 7 was not even hit by a plane. And the guy who owned/leased the buildings did let it slip he called and asked to pull the building. I know what pulling a building means and so do you sir. And it goes on and on my friend, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Even if Osama really did it with only his crew armed with boxcutters, and outsmarted our entire national defense system by himself at just the perfect time while Dick Chaney was on site running a simulated attack with our air defenses, and if all that was just a conincidence and the pentagon somehow warped space and time so a big plane would fit a small hole, and if the one single video of the pentagon being hit is truly all there is even though it doesn't show a plane but does show a curly missle trail not jet engine trail but that's just an optical illusion, and all the evidence of the biggest crime in history wasn't shipped off to china immediately for any nefarious purposes before any investigation was done on purpose, and even if the 911 commision scope of investigation weren't specifically limited to to only post impact and pre frefall where the building collapse was explicitly exculded from investigation for any wrong reasons, and even if the 911 commision people hadn't said their investigation was hampered and limited start to finish and even if they didn't leave the actual reasons muslims were mad at us from the report, and even if several of those supposed terrorists we had identified as pulling off the incident weren't trained on military bases in the US and even if many of them hadn't been found to be alive and well all over the world, I still find it curious why billions or trillions of dollars of gold from under the WTC complex were never EVER recovered nor investigated.
And even if we hadn't planned to go into the middle east long before 911 and just needed an excuse, and even if the wolfowitz doctrine which our foreign policy is still based on didn't explicity call for us to undermine every other country on the planet, and even if it was just the actions of a handfull of arabs not affiliated with even one nation but if it made any sense to go after many nations in prolonged war just for the actions of a few individuals...
And there's more but you get the idea.
And even if the DHS didn't later list you and me and all our colleagues specifically as potential terrorists just because we are ex United States Military... Sir that's what did it for me, when I heard that shit targeted us specifically by DHS because of our ex military status that's when I had to look into things further on my own and found it all stinks to high heaven. Before that I hadn't given it much independant thought, never initially even considered the full scope of what wasn't right, and before that DHS declaration I trusted what we were told and shown on the news. But ever since then we have been stripped of rights and targeted by tracking and etc etc etc.
I'm sorry soldier, but if it walks like a duck and if it talks like a duck...And if that duck keeps leaving a big old trail of foul duck like shit...And expecially if it's cost you nearly your life and time and perhaps your friends lives maybe you should wonder too.
But let me remind you if you do look into it we've had more than enough of war and killing. It's time to stop playing the game the way it's laid out for us, stop killing period, and just wise up to propaganda and vote all these people out not fall into a trap of even more devastation and lives lost. 2012 should be about not playing the game any longer and thinking for ourselves, and moving forward and away from hate and fear and not backwards.