bio bizz fish mix?

Richard Smith

Active Member
Hey guys i was wondering if anyong here could give my some advice on using fish mix?
i already own bio grow and i was planning on using fish mix with it but i dont want to overwelm my plants?

any words of advice about the product would be great thank you!
It's harder to burn with fish mix and the plant's have a better overall healthy look to them.
I personally cut the 'grow' when flowering and supliment N with the fish mix as they need it.
so would you recomend using fish mix with bio grow or just substituting it for bio grow during flowering?

im interested in the fish mix but there isnt alot of information on it on the biobizz leaflets :(

at the moment im using bio grow bio bloom and top max with biobizz all mix and im really pleased with my results so far :)
I used both last time round,1 feed 'fish',1 feed 'grow' then substitute 'grow' for 'fish' in bloom.
This time I use 50/50 'grow'-'fish' whenever I feed them 'N'.
Get some and try different combos to see what your strain likes,next time I might just use 'fish'.
'Grow' seems to keep the plants really dark green but 'fish' makes them seem overall better looking,It's hard to explain but I will allways use it.
hey gyus

i happen to have the biobizz bio grow, bloom and fish mix. unfortunately, this is my first time with that line and i dont know how to do it. i've read that when your soil has nutes inside ots better to start nuts during the first week of flower with a combo of grow and bloom (i was thinking 0.5 of each) and raise up to 1ml of groww and 3ml of bloom during week 3 ( i am planing to feed some epsom salts-half teaspon in 4 lit) in week 3) then in week 5 cut the grow and reach up to 3.5 to 4ml that sounds stupid? 3 and a half lit pots are used and the feeding is scheduled every other feed.

this is a combination of small time knowledge (i try but...the results so far...dont know) and a thread of a big time grower that i read during my research.

i want to thank everybogy in advance for listening.....peace
That will work. Don't be too worried since it's hard to overfeed with those nutes. I cut the bio grow (I use fish mix) on the 6th week. Be sure to provide enough nitrogen during the first weeks of flowering and the oposite applies on the end of flowering, too much nitrogen by the end affect buds and some people say taste as well.
The exact quantities to apply depends on the soil you are using, if you are using bio all mix than you will barely need any vegetative nutes.

One thing I noticed on the fish mix vs bio grow is that the first drops the pH more than the second. While bio grow automatically pH my tap water to 6.5, with the fish mix it stays in the 6.2/6.3 range. However growth wise I don't see any significant difference.

I switched to fish mix because it accelerates the microbial activity in the soil. Can't see it with my eyes, but I believe that diluted fish guts are great food for many microorganisms in the soil.
Thanks for the valuable info
That will work. Don't be too worried since it's hard to overfeed with those nutes. I cut the bio grow (I use fish mix) on the 6th week. Be sure to provide enough nitrogen during the first weeks of flowering and the oposite applies on the end of flowering, too much nitrogen by the end affect buds and some people say taste as well.
The exact quantities to apply depends on the soil you are using, if you are using bio all mix than you will barely need any vegetative nutes.

One thing I noticed on the fish mix vs bio grow is that the first drops the pH more than the second. While bio grow automatically pH my tap water to 6.5, with the fish mix it stays in the 6.2/6.3 range. However growth wise I don't see any significant difference.

I switched to fish mix because it accelerates the microbial activity in the soil. Can't see it with my eyes, but I believe that diluted fish guts are great food for many microorganisms in the soil.

Thank's for the the fish mix is more beneficial due to microbial activity in the soil. However, grow has higher percentages in P and K...i dont know.. one other thing...if something hppens and you're run out of N during the first weeks of flower (when leaves are stil greatly needed)
Thanks for the valuable info

Thank's for the the fish mix is more beneficial due to microbial activity in the soil. However, grow has higher percentages in P and K...i dont know.. one other thing...if something hppens and you're run out of N during the first weeks of flower (when leaves are stil greatly needed)

I don't think you will ever experience that problem. I apply 2-3ml/L and never had any nitrogen deficiency symptoms. If that happens to you, you can feed more heavily, but rule of thumb is go easy and don't feed more than needed. Go gentle, if you see bottom leaves yellowing you might need to apply more nutes, but more likely that won't happen if you use the same amount as me in any decent potting soil.
I don't think you will ever experience that problem. I apply 2-3ml/L and never had any nitrogen deficiency symptoms. If that happens to you, you can feed more heavily, but rule of thumb is go easy and don't feed more than needed. Go gentle, if you see bottom leaves yellowing you might need to apply more nutes, but more likely that won't happen if you use the same amount as me in any decent potting soil.

Thanks for the valuable info man...really helpful. I don’t know though, i m completely confused for 2 reasons:

1) although i have some experience (at least that is what i would like to believe) i tend to lose my temper and make stupid mistakes. the most controversial thing though are the nuts. i changed them (not so pleased with Jungle Juice) and i bought the biobizz series (grow-bloom and fish mix) which, as far as I’ve been told, are pretty decent and not so dangerous for your plants. not to mention the fact, that the difficulties that derive from feeding are still something that i just can’t deal with (at least most of the times). for instance, the lady is in the 3rd week of flower and some leaves are starting to get yellow (lower ones). I’m still not sure what to apply for that, cal-mag or Epsom salts? i think this is a lack of N isn’t it?

2) drying and curing...this is a tricky one but irrelevant.

what if i had the possibility to add something like Epsom salts or cal-mag. would that make any difference as far as any delays in bud growth (given the fact that i am in flower phase)?
Check your pH and all environmental factors (heat?!) in your grow space.
Use decent potting soil with perlite. Some potting soil have the pH too acid, check that.
Unless you have used the same soil a few times in past grows, I doubt you will need to add cal-mag or Epsom salts.
It's unlikely the problem is related to lack of nutes, start checking other factors.
Check your pH and all environmental factors (heat?!) in your grow space.
Use decent potting soil with perlite. Some potting soil have the pH too acid, check that.
Unless you have used the same soil a few times in past grows, I doubt you will need to add cal-mag or Epsom salts.
It's unlikely the problem is related to lack of nutes, start checking other factors.

Ph is 6.8 to 6.9 and the average temp is 28 (lights on) and 23 (lights off). hummidity is around 58 to 60 when lights are off and 48 to 50 when on. Not even when you start feeding the first week of flower? soil had nutes and feeding had to be done later (i dont know if i waited to long though). Anyway, the problem is starting to expand a little bit but i think that i am going to wait for a little while before i raise the Grow nutes from 1 to 1,5 (tops cause i dont want ot affect bud growth) and see what happens.
Seems OK. Check drainage on your pots as well.
Post some pics of the symptoms if you can.

thanks for your attention man (really appriciate it). can you help me a little bit on posting pictures please?...after a year that i decided to start again..i forgot the most important thing..posting pictures.

the problem keeps on going from the bottom.