Bio Bizz ????

Im Using Bio Bizz for my current Grow and i am a bit confused on how to acctually get the best results out of the product. i got a bio bizz chart with the nutes should i stick to this i was told not to stick 2 the chart as it might b a bit strong iv had a look around to see if i could find any good sugestions or feeding cycles on exactly how much to feed my plants and when i should feed them using bio bizz. couldnt find anything!:wall:

Im Using : BioBizz All-Mix Soil

BioBizz Nutes - veggie,Bloom & Topmax

Any Ideas?


Active Member
Use their chart, you won't burn your plants, the nutes are organic. I used only bloom and grow last round with pretty good results.

Started off with like 1mL/L grow around week 3 working up 1mL/L per week or so. It really won't burn though, I have used as much as 10mL/L on a feeding but I their growth on 4mL/L seemed just as good as higher doses. The idea is the nutes feed your soil microbes, and your soil microbes feed your plant