BIO BUCKETS vs RDWC (undercurrent)


Active Member
Basically deciding on which one to buy or make. I want low maintanence primarily. I wonder if anyone has tried both systems. . any opinions? preferences?


Active Member
Lest maintainance is for sure bios, and easier to build! Ive just built RDWC and that was quiet easy as well but in terms of whats better if any i have no clue!


Well-Known Member
Bagada: I've tried a couple of different methods over the years. I went from dirt to Aerogardens, (The self contained, active hydroponic table top growing system), to DWC bubble buckets, to small bubble tubs, and I'm seriously thinking of going back to dirt. I think what you're looking for in a low maintenance, less labor intensive hydro system is a chicken with teeth.

If there is a truly lazy man's hydro growing system on the market I haven't found it. You have to monitor pH daily and ppm's frequently and keep it hospital clean or you're asking for trouble. You goof off for a couple of days like some of us have and you can lose your whole crop. The first hydro teacher I had said, "If you're growing hydroponically your last day off was the last one you had before you started your present grow." I've found that to be true.

Dirt, in comparison, is a lot more forgiving. It buffers the pH so you don't have to worry about fatal changes occurring overnight. True, it's not as fast as hydro but you can speed up the process with manipulation of light and nutrients and I'm in no hurry. I hope that helps. HSA