BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

I'm sorry but your pot is ~20l and you already got drain after 2.5l? Then you either water way too early or medium is hydrophobic and needs slower watering or the dunk...

I can almost put 2l into my 3.5l pouches if really dried back

how big is your growspace? a closed tent that is?


I’ve used those pots before and this it what happens.

The air pruning creates a dense root mass in the centre compared to solid plastic containers.

When it gets too dry as you said it bounces the water off and you get a false sense of how moist it is if measuring run off. Also 2.5l for a 20l airpot is not enough! Should be around 4lI use 2.5L for 12L

Best thing to do in this scenario is water with 2L then wait 30-40 mins and do it again. Feel
How heavy the pot is? Then continue to water with 4l every 3-4 days since it’s a smaller sized plant and it’s lost a fair few leaves which slows down a plants need for water drastically.

Another tip is add a product with a surfactant in it. Using a BBQ skewer u can put 10-15 holes to help it absorb too.

Best thing is to learn for the next time. Only way I know how to grow alright bud is through learning through my errors.

You’ll get decent bud if you up your feeding add some Epsom salts and improve your watering habits :)

good luck
Oh don’t use a sprayer. Not needed. Makes it worse as I found it actually water logs the soil!

Water about 200ml wait 10 mins. Then 500ml. Wait a few mins not long. Then slowly put the rest in
Oh don’t use a sprayer. Not needed. Makes it worse as I found it actually water logs the soil!

Water about 200ml wait 10 mins. Then 500ml. Wait a few mins not long. Then slowly put the rest in
You think airpots are more hassle than the benefits it provides? Have to read on how to best water airpots
Are you guys trying to write a science textbook or grow a freaking weed? You let your plant starve going into flowering...most of the fan leaves have fallen off and now your plant lacks the energy to produce big buds. So many nutes and supplements being added, it reminds me of the guys in the gym who take 20 supplements but still can't gain muscle.
Are you guys trying to write a science textbook or grow a freaking weed? You let your plant starve going into flowering...most of the fan leaves have fallen off and now your plant lacks the energy to produce big buds. So many nutes and supplements being added, it reminds me of the guys in the gym who take 20 supplements but still can't gain muscle.
I know I messed up.
The question is - what is the best course of action to try and save thm, if it is even possible...
I know I messed up.
The question is - what is the best course of action to try and save thm, if it is even possible...

I'm gonna be honest with you, flower is easily the most delicate time besides drying and curing of course. Your plant won't really produce much looking at how much it's lost already. You could possibly save it, but would it be worth it? Maybe, maybe not. If I were you, I'd get a brick of coco and a bucket, and do a coco hempy grow. I get plants the size of your flowering one within a month from seed. We're all here to learn from our grow mistakes, just take it as a lesson for doing better next time!
I'm gonna be honest with you, flower is easily the most delicate time besides drying and curing of course. Your plant won't really produce much looking at how much it's lost already. You could possibly save it, but would it be worth it? Maybe, maybe not. If I were you, I'd get a brick of coco and a bucket, and do a coco hempy grow. I get plants the size of your flowering one within a month from seed. We're all here to learn from our grow mistakes, just take it as a lesson for doing better next time!
I understand :)
I would have to wait about 2-3 weeks for news seeds, so for now Ill just try to save it.
I will try to give each big pot 4 liters now, and smaller one (11l) about 2.5 litres. Ill use whatever method or mix of methods to do that. If runoff gets too big after 2.5 liters, Ill try to get the last 1.5 litres with soaking in tub method.

However, you said to get to 2 EC.
I added 1ml/l activera
1ml/l algamic
1ml/l fish mix
0.75ml/l grow
1ml/l bloom

And my total input is only 700 ppm or 1.4 EC

Should I add more? If yes, which nute?

Poured first 2 litres in 30 minutes.
Very small runoff - 50-75ml
Runoffph 6.5
Runoff ppm 900, input was 700
Will wait 30 minutes and pour the remaining 2 litres in 2 tries. (1litre, pause, 1 litre)
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I will try to give each big pot 4 liters now, and smaller one (11l) about 2.5 litres. Ill use whatever method or mix of methods to do that. If runoff gets too big after 2.5 liters, Ill try to get the last 1.5 litres with soaking in tub method.

However, you said to get to 2 EC.
I added 1ml/l activera
1ml/l algamic
1ml/l fish mix
0.75ml/l grow
1ml/l bloom

And my total input is only 700 ppm or 1.4 EC

Should I add more? If yes, which nute?
are you really sure the soil had enough dryback? is it light? because the other explanation for too early drain is the soil is still wet and you're drowning them. I'd estimate it uses about half a liter of water per day since it's still small. I had plants trice that size under HPS drink max 1.2l per day in hot summer.
Honestly it’s up to the individual. You get better results and if you know the tricks It’s not much harder than a solid container.

If you have the time go airpots. If you’re a busy man go solid lol
Yeah... those side leaks are getting on my nerves lol
Could plug them, but then its no longer an airpot...
I know I messed up.
The question is - what is the best course of action to try and save thm, if it is even possible...

Finish them out as best you can and on your next grow feed your plants something other than that sugar beet molasses BioBizz stuff. I can't believe how much they're charging for some damn molasses in a bottle.
are you really sure the soil had enough dryback? is it light? because the other explanation for too early drain is the soil is still wet and you're drowning them. I'd estimate it uses about half a liter of water per day since it's still small. I had plants trice that size under HPS drink max 1.2l per day in hot summer.

Well - I have finished the watering. 8 liters total for the 2x20 liter pots - runoff was about 1.5 liters or 0.75l perplant.
Smaller plant I gave 2.5 litrs, runoff is about 500 ml

I expected A LOT more runoff, maybe that means that when I was watering before (2.25 liters for 20l pot), I was watering too fast.....
Today I watered very very slow (with 20% of total pot volume)and runoff was about 20%... just like it should be?

Anyway, I am ordering new seeds. They will be here in 2 weeks and my plants will probably be dead by that time :(

Good lesson for first time, Ithink I have identified my mistakes:

1) Watering too little and too late. Net round I will follow the guide from "Emilya" (she is from another forum. It is called "
The Proper Way To Water A Seedling In A Large Final Container"

2) Not enough nutes, I burned my plants a bit on week 3-4 and from then I think I was afraid to use more nutes.
2) Not using scales to weigh the pot. Next round I will just KNOW how much a full/wet pot weighs and how much a dry pot weighs.
3) Using calmag instead of epsom salts. I have calciu in m my tap water (240ppm) and I never saw a calcium def , only magnesium.
4) Maybe Ill use regular plastic pots with holes in the bottom. Airpot is a lot of hassle, because it leaks from sides when I water. But I will read more about watering with airpot, since I have a lot of free time and if I know how to water the airpot correctly, I will do it.
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Yeah... those side leaks are getting on my nerves lol
Could plug them, but then its no longer an airpot...

You might of potted up wrong. Again. There is a knack to it.

Fill up an 1/8th of the pot at a time and give it a good tap (unlike solid pots). Every 1/4 push your fingers a little (not too hard) around the edges to force it into the holes.

I found having a mulch mat help stop the top from getting hydrophobic between waterings
Wow one of the most interesting topics for me nowadays as I am also having watering difficulties when using Biobizz nutrients. I always grow autoflowers and don't give more than 1ml/l bio grow it usually creates purple stems of the fan leaves I think kind of N tox and blocks P. And if I ever put more than 2ml/L of Bio Bloom I immediately get burned tips due to overfeed. And I think the official chart is not deisgned for cannabis so it suggests much more Bio Grow than its needed autoflowers need even less. That's my experince. This is my current grow at week 7.
I use zerowater filters 0.0 EC add 2 ml/L Biobizz calmag 0.25 EC + Bio Grow 1 ml/L 0.60 EC + Bio Bloom 2 ml/L 1.0 EC + all the additives including Microbes according to official chart EC becomes around 1.4 and plants love it.
Wow one of the most interesting topics for me nowadays as I am also having watering difficulties when using Biobizz nutrients. I always grow autoflowers and don't give more than 1ml/l bio grow it usually creates purple stems of the fan leaves I think kind of N tox and blocks P. And if I ever put more than 2ml/L of Bio Bloom I immediately get burned tips due to overfeed. And I think the official chart is not deisgned for cannabis so it suggests much more Bio Grow than its needed autoflowers need even less. That's my experince. This is my current grow at week 7.
I use zerowater filters 0.0 EC add 2 ml/L Biobizz calmag 0.25 EC + Bio Grow 1 ml/L 0.60 EC + Bio Bloom 2 ml/L 1.0 EC + all the additives including Microbes according to official chart EC becomes around 1.4 and plants love it.
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Good to hear your plants are loving it.
Can you tell me please, why you use so much calmag?
I read the feeding scehdule -

It says up to 1.4ml/l during a heavy deficiency, less if there is no deficiency.

Also, another user pointed to me put that its hard to measure EC for organic nutes, especially calmag so the EC meter doesnt show true values. I havent read about it yet, since I ue a precise syringe to measure nutes
in this video from Biobizz themselves explain the calmag product and he talks about EC all the time and he says " if you have 0 EC water and you don't want to use 4 ml/L Calmag to bring it back to 0.4, just add some tap water to raise it to 0.2 then use 2 ml calmag to get 0.4 EC. He says many other things as well. Well actually im not thinking that what they say is true entirely im just trying to try their products.
I started growing seriously with Aptus Plant Tech Holland. They produce organo-mineral nutrients and they are amazing very different style of nutrients. In my first grow with Biobizz I still had Aptus CaMg Boost product and its recommended dosage is 2.5ml/10L and it makes 0.3 EC and my plants were always happy with that. So I got used to treat my water first with calmag product and according to my measurements 0.1 EC calmag is not really enough to create a stabilised pH value in the RO water. My plants showed multiple deficiencies because of 1 ml/L calmag. With this grow im using 0.25 EC calmag which is 2 ml/L. I still see some deficiencies I mean rusty spots on fan leaves. Also for the first couple of weeks Root Juice and Acti Vera itself are nnot enough to be able to create a stabilised pH value with my Zero Water system. And I think cannabis really like calmag especially with RO water. By the way the Microbes product is excellent for EC value and pH stabilisation. Im new to it by I already find myself using it for pH purposes.
What you say about EC values of organic nutrients is entirely true I think. Especially the N in the bio grow is very readible by an ec meter but the P in the bio bloom is not creating any EC value even the bottle say it's 2-7-4. Does this mean anything not I guess. I personally think Bio Bloom is very strong and should not be used too much. So my final thought is using an ec meter with an organic grow is a very dangerous activity it leads to bad decisions about how much to put.
I also think when we put too much of an organic nutrient into the mix sometimes it doesn't create an immediate problem on the plant maybe nothing at all because it's organic. I still couldn't find the best way to water them sometimes I water them and they spend the night droopy it takes a complete day for them to get back to the praying position again. The next day they get dry I put water and droopy again.
Mineral nutrients are not like that their effect is immediate. Flushing the pots is always necessary couple of times during the growth while it's the ooposite with the organics. There are many things different but delicate with organics. I harvest less than the half of what I get with Aptus but I prefer Biobizz the organics quality is much better.
I also think when we put too much of an organic nutrient into the mix sometimes it doesn't create an immediate problem on the plant maybe nothing at all because it's organic. I still couldn't find the best way to water them sometimes I water them and they spend the night droopy it takes a complete day for them to get back to the praying position again. The next day they get dry I put water and droopy again.
Mineral nutrients are not like that their effect is immediate. Flushing the pots is always necessary couple of times during the growth while it's the ooposite with the organics. There are many things different but delicate with organics. I harvest less than the half of what I get with Aptus but I prefer Biobizz the organics quality is much better.
Thank for sharing, I have nothing much to add.
I will say that watering has been weird for me lately (using BB light mix)|

1st grow was ok, but my2nd and3rd grows react weird to water - similar to yours.
I grow autoflowers and give first big watering on about day 14.
Second watering is on day 19-20 and the leaves act in similar ways to yours - they droop immediately after watring, stay drooped for 24 hours, perk up for 1 day and droop again.

I am currently on day 38.
2 of 4 plants look ok.
2 of 4 plants are droopy for the last 2 weeks. I flushed, nothing helped. I have had 4 waterings during the last 14 days, and the leaves have looked good and healthy for 3 days total (24h hours after watering and healthy for 24h, then droop again).

Its not root bound..