That sounds a lot better. Definitely sounds like you have nowhere to go but up. Still not a bad job though.
I think you're on the right path with the coco. If I were you I'd try out Subcools Revised Super Soil Recipe (you can look it up) in the next grow. Sub uses a coco base for his media and I'm doing something similar in my own grow.
You could reclaim a little loose coco from the rootballs of this last grow, then mix that up with some perlite, worm castings, and dolomite. You could also add some composted fertilizers (cow is good), or go the bonemeal/bloodmeal+guano route. A little Azomite will go a long way as well.
This builds you a simple organic mix with a very good consistency and aeration level. The reclaimed coco will have broken down some from the previous grow and I find this mature coco helps build some really amazing root systems (better than before). I have read that coco fiber contains really fantastic levels of cytokinins and auxins which support root growth and plant health... who knows... but the results are great I think.
Here are some roots that are growing through the 3 gallon smart pots I'm using. The plants are about 30 days from transplanting.
I wish you luck in your own organic endeavors.