Bipolar disorder and medical marijuana

So I've seen the benefits of marijuana regulating my bipolar disorder. I haven't smoked for a year now, and the duration and intensity of my mood swing have been worse. I've had horrible side effects from just about every medication I've been put on. What states besides CA allow the use of medical marijuana for bipolar disorder? I'm in Pa and a new bill has been presented to my state congress for medical marijuana. I'm sick of this medication, but still going to take it, until I can legally take the medicine that I know that works for me. I'd rather be an example of how F**ked up these meds are and from past experience marijuana was for helping. Oh yea, after I stopped I had a very strong manic episode. I went to the doctor and was put on Abilify that led to STRONG suicidal thoughts. Go Western Medicine!! lol :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I went to the doctor and was put on Abilify that led to STRONG suicidal thoughts. Go Western Medicine!! lol :joint: :peace:
I hear ya on the Western medicine. I've got the bi-polar gene too, and early on my docs wanted me on SSRIs... big mistake!

When I've got MJ in my life, everything usually seems to be much more manageable but I've noticed that some kinds of MJ trigger a depression for me. Usually I get it from the stony Indicas, but it's not consistent with all Indicas, nor do all Sativas give me the stability I enjoy.

Do you know what kind of MJ works for you? Any specific strains, or types of high?


Im EXACTLY the Same!! Regulated Indica Helps Me To Cope!!
Ive tried All The Brain Drainer Antidepressants!!
They are No Good for Me.
I just cannot Cope without Cannabis!!
I have Bipolar Disorder.
I get unstable without it Pot.
I smoke about 2g a day!
I lose my Creativity & Am Drowned In Overwhelming Sadness & Negativity ,
Plus Anxiety ... OMG ... its Really the Only thing that works!!!!
im almost 40 & keep telling these Brainwashed Old Fossils but No one wants to Listen!!
Im in Australia..
I hate living my life like this & need to grow my 3 plants to Survive ... Literally!!
Im sooooo Sick & Worn of Fighting this battle against these Govt Tyrants.
Im not A Criminal .........
I wasn't familiar with the strains I was getting for the majority of the time. I was mainly smoking with a more recreational outlook. I didn't look at it for what it WAS doing for me until recently and reading studies and testimonials, looking back at the times of my episodes (they coincided when I stopped smoking for whatever reason). I'm manic now. I'm on 300 mg of Lithium twice a day, Sertaline (Zoloft) 50mg once a day and Geodon 60mg a day. I was put on the Geodon because of the mania recently. I'm kind of nervous of what side effects I'll have, since I have side effects from just about anything they put me on. Plus after reading some of the side effects of it, in rare cases is heart failure. The suicidal thoughts are in a low percentage of people from Abilify and I got it. I kind of don't want my heart to stop pumping. . . .:confused::spew:
btw, mainly indica based by the effects were good. Problem was I got sour diesel (90% sativa) during the early spring. That's horrible, to have a stimulant when most mania episoded happen lol :-?