Bitch Got Told Haha


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and nothng but labor
who said i wasnt smart? im smart enough to be 26 and have 100 grand in my bank and have my bills paid 5 years in going to be able to quit my job at 40 and be rich as a bitch for the rest of my life all because i work steady and i know what to invest in not because high school taught me anything fuck i learned more math getting high then going to class no joke
Most labor jobs that I am familiar with are minimum wage or just a bit over, generally lending to a paycheck - to - paycheck scenario.
You must be a very frivolous person to be able to save 100K - and - have your bills paid 5 years in advance.
I'm cautiously impressed.

Just out of curosity, how does one go about paying Car payments, Mortage, Electrical, Fuel, W,S,G etc... five years in advance?
Smells funny in here all the sudden.


Active Member
''Just out of curosity, how does one go about paying Car payments, Mortage, Electrical, Fuel, W,S,G etc... five years in advance?
Smells funny in here all the sudden. ''

my car, truck and 4wheeler are all paid off bout 2 grand left on my sled and contracts technically im probably going to use less then what i paid for but its paying for convinence


Active Member
So now your a heroin dealer? Good luck with that having 100K in the bank with no education and a labor job as a cover.
hahahahaha no im not and i work oil rigs dummy telling me theres no money there? my company flies me accoss canada for free go to work for 30-40 days come back for 7-10 i make lots of money being a laborer thanks and heroin isnt the money it used to be there are synthetic opiods now

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
That shit was so hard to read. Use a lil punctuation please. And like I have to tell my wife constantly, it's confusing when you say "she" or "they" when your telling a story cuz I dont know which person(s) your talking about. I'm just sayin. Anyways, after 3 reads I finally understood what happened. It was funnier to me when I thought your GF was the one getting told lol.


Active Member
I guess that The reason the oil rigs are blowing out is due to the New school rigger's.:eyesmoke: Them old school fuck's are wothless!!!
most guys in the company are coke heads there affraid to do anything else because of drug tests but i told my boss straight on the phone ''before i fly out im tellin ya im pissin positive'' and he told me flat out so does half the people who work here as long as you can do the work we dont care what you do in your spare time just be sober on the rig
the other day i msgd my dealers neice asking if she knew where her uncle was she replied very iggnorantly to my girlfirend hgow she does not want me asking her where he is (second time ive done it in years lol) of course that gets my gf annoyed lol shes very short tempered and to day she decided to come over with my dealer when hes delivering to me to try to start shit well she didn have a sentence out her mouth when my dealer figured out what she was ranting about and preceed to tell her off himself 'dont dirsrecpect my people he was looking for me you dumb bitch obviously its important and he cant reach me himself you retard''haha what a fun day today has been


Active Member

i can read it fine but its easier with spaces and no puncuation then it is with both missing