BK’s shit show

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You got the big dog, eh? I may have to grab a course plate. There isn’t a 10 week waiting period anymore? Nice.

And dude, the grinder rules. I’ve had mine for a few of months now and i am no less impressed than I was on day one. Good looking out once again.

They have a crap load of factory blemish models ready to ship I guess. Should have mine today when I get home.
Just referring to a post a few pages back when someone mentioned the blue lab pulse, thought I'd mention they're rubbish lol not accurate at all, I was using one then brought the solus handheld with the teros 12 sensor, Screenshot_20211201_131900.jpgas can been seen the photo there's a little difference in ec readings...
The morning of day 19 into bloom. Getting in here this weekend to do a final pruning of the suckers, get stakes up where they need to be,and I’ll strip every leaf off one of the stunnas for my little experiment.

The lights are all the way up to the ceiling again FML

Here’s some exciting stuff happening. They were showing deficiencies a few weeks ago, so I switched to tap water and the bounced back quick. I took these pictures Saturday. They’ve stretched a decent amount since and the canopy is full. The second picture is plants from regular seeds, so that tent will get thinned out a little more pretty soon.
Also all of that wood has been replaced with plastic boxes. I was using Dutch Leach trays as stands, but ran out of them and had to temporarily use the wood until I found something better.
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