BK’s shit show

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Took a rough par reading over each plant with my lights cranked full to add heat to my room and all the way up to the ceiling.

Should be good, but I’ll keep a close eye on them over the next 24 hours I may have to dim the lights a little. Should have my VPD dialled in by the end of the day as well.

Hey @bk78 love the setup man !!! I'm from Canada as well and wondering about the adjustable poles you have for your trellis ? where do you get those and what are they called ? I Jimmy rigged something similar with adjustable paint roller handles lol but those things you got are the cats ass I would say .Thanks
Hey @bk78 love the setup man !!! I'm from Canada as well and wondering about the adjustable poles you have for your trellis ? where do you get those and what are they called ? I Jimmy rigged something similar with adjustable paint roller handles lol but those things you got are the cats ass I would say .Thanks

Task support rods

Amazon,Home Depot,Lowe’s etc....
Task support rods

Amazon,Home Depot,Lowe’s etc....
You should get into some tight undies and pole dance on one for you tube content! You need another video like a transplant video also. I subbed and turned on notifications so please hurry that shit up.
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