Black Jack Grow

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I am starting my winter grow this week. Hopefully by mid to late December I'll have some product to smoke. :)

I plan on starting two plants. I have a 400w HPS and a 250w HPS. I will be using FoxFarm Ocean Forest for the grow medium and the FoxFarm Trio (which has worked well for me in the past) along with Molasses, of course. I should have the grow area finished by Sunday or Monday. I will start soaking the seeds today.

I'm really happy that I can finally grow again. :D Yay me!


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I fucked up. I made a stupid noob mistake. I waited three days for the seeds to pop. I checked them out and noticed they were kind of small. I thought the seeds were probably dead so I broke into one. It was about to pop. I went to grab the container that held the other seed and hit it with my wrist. The remaining seed went flying and ended up down the heater vent. Argh!!!

So I had to start over. I forgot the golden rule of germination. They'll pop when they're ready.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

Peek-a-boo. My little darlings have breached the soil. :P

It's going to be a long 2 1/2 months.

Having a little trouble with heat control. It's supposed to be cooling off here in the daytime but we're still getting up to the mid 80's. I don't have an air-conditioning unit in the grow room. I only do winter grows so usually this isn't an issue. I have a fan blowing on them but the heat is still in the 90's. I'll figure something out. ::sigh::


Well-Known Member
I noticed the seeds are from "sativa seedbank".. Just wondering because BlackJack is what my friend grew from Nirvana and the plant were almost 100% indica. Short, small leaves, stoned body high. Or is that just the seedbanks name?


Well-Known Member
I noticed the seeds are from "sativa seedbank".. Just wondering because BlackJack is what my friend grew from Nirvana and the plant were almost 100% indica. Short, small leaves, stoned body high. Or is that just the seedbanks name?
I just checked things out, nvm lol

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Smell isn't an issue. It's a legal grow and I own my home. I live in the middle of 10 acres out in the sticks. The only visitors are relatives and a vagrant crow or two.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The heat was too much for one of my little gals. She expired on 10/1/11 @ 12:38 p.m.. I tried to resuscitate but she was too far gone. There is small gravestone in the back yard. You can offer donations at No condolences. Just money.

Day 5 of veg.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

Day 10 of veg.

Coming along rather nicely. I'm going to transplant her next week to give her room to grow.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Transplant day. Had a little trouble getting her out of the party cup. I don't think I did any serious damage to the root system. She is drooping a bit but recovering fast. I'll have a couple of pics on here as soon as she perks up.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I just hope I wasn't too rough with my little darlin'.

I plan on doing some topping a little later on. Right now I'm just going to let her rest for a bit. She's been through a lot. ;)


Well-Known Member
About time I saw you work on a grow journal, Meaty...Congratulations on maybe having some smoke by the new year.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My grow area is too hot for a summer time grow. I only grow during the winter. Hopefully that will change next year. I'm going to do an outdoor grow in my garden. :)