Black little bugs running about in soil!? Help?


Well-Known Member
what chewberto was talking about when he said aeration is that it is obvious your soil is straight from the bag and has no perlite added, ...the perlite loosens the soil and allows more air into the root zone, ...roots NEED oxygen too and with no perlite in your soil mix it will compact and become too hard for roots to penetrate.'s a couple of shots where i'm doing a root pruning so i can re-veg that plant and notice all the white particles in the rootmass and also in the blue bin with all the soil in it, ...that white shit is perlite and you NEED to have about 30% perlite to 70% dirt.

and here is a crappy shot of some seedlings.

...and about 2 and a half weeks later.

...the more homework you do on your own the sooner you can start to relax man, ...and i promise you you have not done enough research.

peace, bozo


i had them in pots outside. i just took some double sided tape and stuck it all over. got alot of them little fuckers. let you're soil dry till its nearly pulling away from the pot. and i mean "nearly" don't let it separate.


Well-Known Member
...chewberto is right, do a google image search for fungus gnats, thrips and spidermites so you'll know what they look like, you need to know for sure what they are because the treatment isn't the same for all of them. ...and these three are the most common pests so learn what they look like now.

...and cinnamon is nearly useless as a pest control, in my opinion it is a waste of time and effort.

peace, bozo[/QUOTE

Yup good old ground cinnamon from the grocery store. Sprinkle the top of the soil. Take some on a damp sponge and wipe the rims of the pots. They hate it. Isn't bad for some temp odour control either. But you need fly stickies or paper too. I tried the won't kill but will deter them. Was a quick fix until I could get any type of pesticide! I also used 1/2 cup peroxide with 1 gallon of water for the larvae. Now my plants look like shit. And the insect soap az well. Fucked them up. All remedies found in forums.
That's why I tried cinnamon. Cause they were still there after everything else. Can't get gnatrol here. Won't ship to Canada either.
That's why I tried this Bozo.


Well-Known Member
...chewberto is right, do a google image search for fungus gnats, thrips and spidermites so you'll know what they look like, you need to know for sure what they are because the treatment isn't the same for all of them. ...and these three are the most common pests so learn what they look like now.

...and cinnamon is nearly useless as a pest control, in my opinion it is a waste of time and effort.

peace, bozo
Yup good old ground cinnamon from the grocery store. Sprinkle the top of the soil. Take some on a damp sponge and wipe the rims of the pots. They hate it. Isn't bad for some temp odour control either. But you need fly stickies or paper too. I tried the won't kill but will deter them. Was a quick fix until I could get any type of pesticide! I also used 1/2 cup peroxide with 1 gallon of water for the larvae. Now my plants look like shit. And the insect soap az well. Fucked them up. All remedies found in forums.
That's why I tried cinnamon. Cause they were still there after everything else. Can't get gnatrol here. Won't ship to Canada either.
That's why I tried this Bozo.
...fungus gnats are easily controlled with nothing more than yellow sticky traps, with the caveat that if you have a commercial sized operation then you'd probably need more than just sticky traps.

...for a 4 x 4 or even a 4 x 8 the sticky traps will do the trick, ...they just aren't an instant fix because it's the fliers that lay the eggs and you don't catch 100% of the fliers in one day, ...but within a week or 2 more and more fliers are caught which means fewer and fewer egg layers and within that 2 week window the numbers should have been brought under control.

...i've had fungus gnats MANY times over the years and i have found them to be little more than a nuisance if you keep the numbers down and frankly, within a month the sticky traps will probably eliminate them entirely, it's just that they come back, either from outside or from new bags of soil or coco so the sticky traps should be used as a preventive measure the moment you see any fliers in your garden.

peace, bozo