black mould spots on walls

silver back

Active Member
just found patches of black mould on the wall how worried should i b and what is the best way 2 deal with it the humidity is a bit hi i have got a dehumidifyer runin but the humity is still around 70 80 %


Active Member
You can kill it with a 5% bleach solution just spray it on the mold. Black mold is bad it can cause respiratory problems .


Well-Known Member
hey man IME if u c mold on ur wall then 99% of the time you have mold development behind the walls also. if i was u id go ahed and change the sheetrock wer thers mold thats ur best bet.


Does the exposure to black mold in the grow room ruin the integrity of the plants that are in it?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
black mould is usually aspergillis, the shit grows in shockingly low amounts of humidity, but only blooms when it has lots of water.

if aspergillis gets in your weed you cant smoke it. kill that shit fast.

to kill it, use a rag (CAREFULLY AROUND YOUR PLANTS!!!) soaked wet with a solution of 50% household bleach, 50% water to clean off and eliminate the staining, WEAR GLOVES! then let the room dry completely. after the room has fully dried, fill a bowl with cheap gin, straight up, no rocks, no twist. using a clean dry cloth, soaked in the cheap gin, wash the walls of your growroom. cheap gin works as well as bombay saphire or rangpur lime, so use the cheapest shit you can get. the gin has natural anti-fungal powers, and wont cause issues with your dope. the shit can kill a leaf outright if it gets on your plant, so apply it carefully and wash the whole wall well, soak the wall good. let the gin dry on the wall and the black mould wont come back for a while. youll have maybe 2 months before it can bloom again. hopefully youll be able to finish your grow without any black mould on your buds. after that,a serious antifungal pain is needed. several coats of it. none of that hairy fairy hippy shit either, you want copper methycote and scary health warnings.


Well-Known Member
Bleach is toxic as hell and should not be inhaled. Wear a quality mask

Better choice is 30-40% H2O2 (no breathing worries) which is available in most beauty supply stores

Now 30-40% H2O2 should be handled with gloves and eye protection, but so should bleach

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
it's not like i advised him to clean his walls with potassium perchlorate and a lit cigarette (look it up ;-) ). household bleach is the industry standard in mould disinfection. hair bleaching H2O2 contains stabilizers and other shit that doesnt appear on the labels. use caution, that shit has more warnings on it than bleach does. hit the mfg's website for your brand's MSDS and read it before using H2O2 in high concentrations in a manner not indicated on the packaging.