Black Ops 2?

get off black ops and back on modern warfare! x 10 better game for multiplayer
black ops is good for zombies and the multiplayer is just getting ripped my 10 year olds and camping tarts.
.....and 12yo olds all over the planet! Hahahahaah.
I had some punk kid on my own team talkin' shit to me last night like I didn't know how to play. I beat him in every statistical category there was by games end and he still was runnin' his mouth! Then I ran into a couple of stoners with the same sense of humor as me and had fun.
I had some punk kid on my own team talkin' shit to me last night like I didn't know how to play. I beat him in every statistical category there was by games end and he still was runnin' his mouth! Then I ran into a couple of stoners with the same sense of humor as me and had fun.

Yea, it is sad. Happens regularly now.
Hahahaha. Glad I re-read these posts sometimes. It's the little things that you miss that just brighten your day....
well fuck , everyone can jump down a guys throat on here if hes bullshitting but if its a girl OH NO sunni is a fucking bitch sunni is wrongl...whatever
No worries. The sun will still rise, and the sun will still fall, regardless of the assholes in the world. (That keeps me from killing many people...and they don't even know it).
just seems like running around on male dominated forums asking to play video games would see not very attached like girl. its OBVIOUS people are going to hit on you so why do you it?

hmmm Honestly, I think you're showing YOU'RE COLORS. maybe she just wanted to play vid games with other people from the site. where would you get the idea that since she wants to play with other people, its cause she wants to be hit on. You are awfully fast to assume this about her, especially considering you dont even know her. Sounds like what you're saying about her, is what YOU have experence doing yourself.
hmmm Honestly, I think you're showing YOU'RE COLORS. maybe she just wanted to play vid games with other people from the site. where would you get the idea that since she wants to play with other people, its cause she wants to be hit on. You are awfully fast to assume this about her, especially considering you dont even know her. Sounds like what you're saying about her, is what YOU have experence doing yourself.
omg this is over and done with she was caught trying to pose as ahot girl lol enough end of story 4 people messages me with other profiles on other sites of her
As soon as I join a quick match I mute everyone. I get so distracted when people are talking, not much of a team player since I don't have the time.

Last I played was 3 weeks ago, i'd share my XBL handle but I hardly play anymore. The kids are into Minecraft out of all the games we have, and now want other newer games like deadspace 3. I am like you just got Halo 4, WWE 13, Borderlands 2, CoD BO 2 and you still play Minecraft more than anything... lol
hmmm Honestly, I think you're showing YOU'RE COLORS. maybe she just wanted to play vid games with other people from the site. where would you get the idea that since she wants to play with other people, its cause she wants to be hit on. You are awfully fast to assume this about her, especially considering you dont even know her. Sounds like what you're saying about her, is what YOU have experence doing yourself.

Sunni is a mod. It's her job to check on people. She was looking out for us. Give her a break. If it'd been a guy she was questioning no one would've said a word either way.
so true, lol either way chickachick was bde so it doesn't matter, infact this entire thread doesn't but you are right if the gender tables were turned no one would've said jack shit
hmmm Honestly, I think you're showing YOU'RE COLORS..
You're right... Sunni is colors.

This is a picture of her:

i am on XBOX live/Steam as well, jesusofcannabis...i suck b ut its a great stress reliever

in black ops i am
{RIU} jesusofcannabis

it would be cool to see more RIU clan tags