Black spots on leaves??


Active Member
1 of my plants are about to begin budding and on some of the leaves theirs black spots can u guess help i dont want it to die i need the budddd......


Active Member
I think what you have is thrips. Little black dots on the undersides of the leaves? a sort of silverish gleam to leaves when they're almost dead? If so its probably thrips. They're little like 1mm long oval shaped insects that feed on the underside of leaves. Also, from my experience, they seem to only come out in the dark cycle. I like to use neem oil to get rid of them. If they're in the bloom phase though i usually try garlic (i dont like to expose flowering plants to any sprays). Good luck! -Peace


Active Member
well sort of i guess in a sense. i have tried (in desperate situations) to just get some crushed garlic and put it around the base of the stem so that at least the bugs (which most likely live in your soil) can't , or won't, climb back onto the plant. Try to gently as you can remove the ones you see by hand, that alone can make a significant difference. Also, at your nearest gardening center, they will most likely have garlic stakes for sale. Theyre little spikes that you can either stick in the ground or clip onto something and you just pop the little seal on them and the garlic stays pretty fresh and repels rabbits,deer, squirrels, and some other insects. There is that, or you could even go out and buy some neem oil. I dont particularly like to use it unless its in the veg state because it basically coats the plants with a waxy layer that deters insects from wanting to bite them. I don't like the idea of having a wax layer on my flowers. hopefully this'll help you all out. peace!

Frog Godbee

Active Member
just use some pyrethrum spray ... its fine to use in flowering ... its made from plants ... just sray with lights off so you dont burn them ... neem oil in flowering can glog up the flowering sites ...

also .... if its like black blotches on the leaves it would be a phosphoros deficency


Well-Known Member
I had the same prob with clones.
I did not have my humidity dome vented, and after i put vent holes in the dome the black spots went away after about 3-4 days..
My problem was too much humidity...