'..Black Voters Don't Like Bernie Sanders'

Sanders did a great job of getting some great ideas out there. The problem came that he not only didn't know when to leave the stage, he and his followers fucked over the only option to get those ideas implemented.
Sanders supporters like Shuylaar are one of the reasons We got Trump.
That is a fact.

On November ninth the Bernie Bots started their four year campaign to fuck up the coming elections.

In their fits of white rage I don't think it's ever occurred to them not everyone wants to be the President.
Just something to think about.

You saying that given the technology making time travel possible, you wouldn't go back in time and murder young Adolph Hitler because things worked out okay is something I'm still thinking and wondering about. Well, that along with your support of things like white rights movements. That's a puzzler too. Bernie would backhand your dumb ass and ask you to stop speaking on his "behalf". Just something for you to think about, you delusional kook.
Bernie is our trump. Out of step, out of touch, and dangerously incompetant. He would get mauled and spit out in a national election, even against the turd.

Pick a real candidate. Not a person responible in a large way for trump. Voters will remember his traitorous ways and stay home.

It's time for a fresh candidate. Not a traitor.

You’re comparing Bernie to Trump? Wow Greg, that’s pretty harsh. Trump is incompetent, and has no idea how to govern. Bernie has spent his entire adult life governing. Trump is a narcissist who only cares about himself. Bernie’s entire platform is focused on helping others, in particular people that are struggling. I’m sorry, but that comparison is weak, and calls in to question your judgement. I’m shocked to see you post something so ridiculous.

I understand why Hillary supporters are upset. It was a tough loss, especially considering her opponent. But Jesus H, get over it already. Excuses are for losers. Instead of crying and casting blame, how about people take an honest accounting of why she lost, where she went wrong, and why she was not an effective candidate, and learn from that to make certain this does not happen again in 2020?
You saying that given the technology making time travel possible, you wouldn't go back in time and murder young Adolph Hitler because things worked out okay is something I'm still thinking and wondering about. Well, that along with your support of things like white rights movements. That's a puzzler too. Bernie would backhand your dumb ass and ask you to stop speaking on his "behalf". Just something for you to think about, you delusional kook.
Morally I agree but the practicalities of time travel paradoxes and the butterfly effect mean that time travel will probably never be practical even if technologically possible.

Even if you didn't interact with the people in the past you have the "observer effect" to worry about.

And what happens when you modify the world by observing to the point where you never existed, and so could never go back in time to alter the time-line in the first place...thats one of the paradoxes.

But in a magic world where you wouldn't completely fuck the time-line, hell yeah I'd kill baby Hitler.
You’re comparing Bernie to Trump? Wow Greg, that’s pretty harsh. Trump is incompetent, and has no idea how to govern. Bernie has spent his entire adult life governing. Trump is a narcissist who only cares about himself. Bernie’s entire platform is focused on helping others, in particular people that are struggling. I’m sorry, but that comparison is weak, and calls in to question your judgement. I’m shocked to see you post something so ridiculous.

I understand why Hillary supporters are upset. It was a tough loss, especially considering her opponent. But Jesus H, get over it already. Excuses are for losers. Instead of crying and casting blame, how about people take an honest accounting of why she lost, where she went wrong, and why she was not an effective candidate, and learn from that to make certain this does not happen again in 2020?
Name Sanders accomplishments in Congress
You’re comparing Bernie to Trump? Wow Greg, that’s pretty harsh. Trump is incompetent, and has no idea how to govern. Bernie has spent his entire adult life governing. Trump is a narcissist who only cares about himself. Bernie’s entire platform is focused on helping others, in particular people that are struggling. I’m sorry, but that comparison is weak, and calls in to question your judgement. I’m shocked to see you post something so ridiculous.

I understand why Hillary supporters are upset. It was a tough loss, especially considering her opponent. But Jesus H, get over it already. Excuses are for losers. Instead of crying and casting blame, how about people take an honest accounting of why she lost, where she went wrong, and why she was not an effective candidate, and learn from that to make certain this does not happen again in 2020?
How about taking credit for getting Trump elected?
My wife knows what type of husband she has. You are not Asian, you are pretty much broke, and you talk too damn much about shit you know nothing about. My wife would know that you are lying and not a threat, just based on this info. Case would be closed once I let her read your post. Especially about how the nurses were acting at the doctors office you visited and your non-craving for fried chicken and watermelon.

thank you for the above info..makes doxxing easier.
I think it's a race at this point; whether we'll get a Progressive Movement backed government in place to change the course of our country or another Great Depression first.

I'm hoping for the progressives, but my intuition tells me we'll see the depression first.

After all, that's what we'll get with either Democrats or Republicans in power.
you had the 1930s through the 1980s....then it was back and forth executive and Congress afrer that till now.
Hillary is the reason Trump got elected. She was the one that ran for potus, and lost. It was her job to convince people to vote for her.

That you can’t bring yourself to admit this is truly mind boggling. One excuse after another. smh
You Berniescabs nadered Clinton. And I can tell you this. HE will never get consideration next election. His fail will parallel Nader.