'..Black Voters Don't Like Bernie Sanders'

Well to booster my argument, me saying "we" can hold true to all the blacks I know. I have never heard one say they hate Bernie. A lot of them actually voted for the man. When Bernie lost they all put on their big boy draws and panties and voted Hillary. Not true for our Bernie Babies on RIU.
Question: for a man who is against politics you sure spend a lot of time in politics. Not judging only asking ...why ?

The camaraderie, the polite banter and the astonishingly consistent and well thought out view points.
If I can just get you to admit that a minor cannot consent to sexual relations with an adult we possible could move forward to tackle your fight against civil rights

Oh, I certainly don't look favorably on severely mismatched age relationships. As soon as I can get you to admit that what other consenting people do is their business and not yours or mine, we could move forward and tackle your flawed idea that some people can force an association with others and somehow that's a good thing etc.
Oh, I certainly don't look favorably on severely mismatched age relationships. As soon as I can get you to admit that what other consenting people do is their business and not yours or mine, we could move forward and tackle your flawed idea that some people can force an association with others and somehow that's a good thing etc.
Hell fuck no Sir.
It is my business to report some shit like a pedophile taking advantage of a child. It is my business to protect that child.
Who forces you to do what....and we not talking about your wife or mother.
Hell fuck no Sir.
It is my business to report some shit like a pedophile taking advantage of a child. It is my business to protect that child.
Who forces you to do what....and we not talking about your wife or mother.

If you care about children so much, why do you vote for people who consider them "collateral damage" ?
you are a pedophile. do not pretend to care about children, especially brown ones you white supremacist.

I'm a native born Pacific Islander.
