the kid was 18 how smart were you at 18 what was your social conditions some people on here might be smoking to much Kush go back to haze or skunkYou sound like a Michael Brown (gentle giant) witness, FOS.
Exactly. Sometimes my driver showed up late after school and that made me angry. I took it out on the maid...the kid was 18 how smart were you at 18 what was your social conditions some people on here might be smoking to much Kush go back to haze or skunk
I was smart enough to not rob liquor stores and attack police officers.the kid was 18 how smart were you at 18 what was your social conditions some people on here might be smoking to much Kush go back to haze or skunk
really? then why do abortion clinics get picketed and closed down; physicians shot to death? why a "religious opt out" feature with for-profit companies on birth control?
an abortion (D&C) is less than $500 and birth control can be as inexpensive as $5.
do the math, loser.
I treat the Buck I go golfing with differently than the blathering, fucktard Buck who resides here. Me and him agree on a lot of things...we also disagree on just as many things. I've told him that I won't take it easy on him on RIU.
Honestly, I don't read most of what he writes. Most of it he has said many times need to read it again.
The last time we went golfing there were dozens of rabbits running around everywhere. At almost every hole a rabbit ran in front of the cart. I told him to swerve and see if he could hit a rabbit. He said something about poor innocent bunnies, curled up in a ball and started weeping. It was hard to concentrate on my drive due to the sobbing.It is good to know that Buck has a spark of humanity in him and that his RIU persona comes from dark, scary part of his mind.
Because there is still a sizable amount of people in this country who thinks that if they don't fight birth control and abortion that it will make God angry and that he will allow the invisible demons that surround us to wreak havoc on America. People who are that superstitious influence policy, how great!
Fortunately these people are dying out so we can have some more sane policy in about a decade.
The last time we went golfing there were dozens of rabbits running around everywhere. At almost every hole a rabbit ran in front of the cart. I told him to swerve and see if he could hit a rabbit. He said something about poor innocent bunnies, curled up in a ball and started weeping. It was hard to concentrate on my drive due to the sobbing.
Well, after hitting one about 320 down the middle, I laid Buck's clubs on the ground next to him and drove off. He caught up with me 2 holes later. After getting back in the cart he apologized and said he could never hurt an innocent animal. "That's cool" I said, as I jerked the wheel and flattened a cottontail.
Well, after hitting one about 320 down the middle, I laid Buck's clubs on the ground next to him and drove off. He caught up with me 2 holes later. After getting back in the cart he apologized and said he could never hurt an innocent animal. "That's cool" I said, as I jerked the wheel and flattened a cottontail.
Nope, that was on a different hole. Buck cried as the fish screamed.320 yards? Let me caught a 40lb Sockeye at the hole, too?
Because there is still a sizable amount of people in this country who thinks that if they don't fight birth control and abortion that it will make God angry and that he will allow the invisible demons that surround us to wreak havoc on America. People who are that superstitious influence policy, how great!
Fortunately these people are dying out so we can have some more sane policy in about a decade.
Bailey JayI'm sure it's already been asked, but that picture in your sig...... is that you?
Now I am even more shocked.Bailey Jay
yeah and don't forget to kick the catExactly. Sometimes my driver showed up late after school and that made me angry. I took it out on the maid...
I shoots critters*I offered to send buck some coal oil soaked rags, so he could tie them around his ankles to keep the piss ants from climbing up his legs and eating his candied ass.
He replied that he was a lifetime peta member and could see bringing no harm to any creature.
beenthere, is your wife on vacation, or did she leave you?
because if she were around, Dog knows you'd be cowering in fear of her and minimizing the RIU screen every time she walked by.