many women every day travel to England from Ireland to have secret abortions

the Catholics believe that life begins from the beginning of the fertilized egg so any form of abortion is illegal in Ireland
only in 2013 with the new act they have allowed women to have abortions legally but only if the pregnancy causes risk of suicide to the mother

surprised they're not still burning witches in Ireland
Unfortunately for those women their government seems to be doing far more harm then good.

I suppose it is good for the travel industry? I am sure that outweighs the health and well being of women.

I truly did not know Ireland was such a difficult place.
Unfortunately for those women their government seems to be doing far more harm then good.

I suppose it is good for the travel industry? I am sure that outweighs the health and well being of women.

I truly did not know Ireland was such a difficult place.

i did not know myself until recently .. few years ago it got a bit of media attention here
people were complaining about the expense to England giving Irish ladies free abortions lol

normally the oppression of women is more associated with Muslims/brown people
it seems more scary when (white people)/irish do it as its a little closer to home
I thought we had some backward states when it came to this subject. Touché Ireland.
many women every day travel to England from Ireland to have secret abortions

the Catholics believe that life has a right to exist from the beginning of the fertilized egg so any form of abortion was illegal in Ireland
only in 2013 with the new act they have allowed women to have abortions legally but only if the pregnancy causes risk of suicide to the mother

surprised they're not still burning witches in Ireland

Thankfully there's not many of the old Catholic die hards left in Ireland and in a few more years it shouldn't be as divisive as it is now and the church as no influence over the youth like it once did, only 2-3 priests ordained in Ireland last year and if I'm not mistaken one of them was African. The old burn in hell trick doesn't work anymore.
Politically the country is too small and career politicians need every vote from a small electorate so they have all been far too cowardly on the subject for far too long.
Even now in this latest debacle the extremes of both sides is trying to hijack the situation to suit their own agendas so as usual debate is reduced to something that is somewhat reminiscent of an RIU politics thread.

As for Irish citizens travelling to the UK it is a very open secret and this has always suited whatever Govt. was in power, just export the problem and hopefully it goes away kind of attitude.
If you read the link I posted above you'll find the new legislation has failed first time out.
for more abortion fun:

Report: Record 87 Surgical Abortion Clinic Closures in 2013

um, you were saying red?
You fail entirely to list the number of new abortion clinics. The State of Texas has determined that they do not condone the slaughter of innocents. So don't whore around in Texas. Go elsewhere.
So lets get this straight. It is our obligation to either kill off or support the results of your screwing around? How about we do it this way instead. When you get knocked up as a result of your actions, you bear the responsibility of your actions. And when your solution to this "burden" involves the death of the innocent, then fairness dictates that the death of the guilty is to be included, also.
Thankfully there's not many of the old Catholic die hards left in Ireland and in a few more years it shouldn't be as divisive as it is now and the church as no influence over the youth like it once did, only 2-3 priests ordained in Ireland last year and if I'm not mistaken one of them was African. The old burn in hell trick doesn't work anymore.
Politically the country is too small and career politicians need every vote from a small electorate so they have all been far too cowardly on the subject for far too long.
Even now in this latest debacle the extremes of both sides is trying to hijack the situation to suit their own agendas so as usual debate is reduced to something that is somewhat reminiscent of an RIU politics thread.

As for Irish citizens travelling to the UK it is a very open secret and this has always suited whatever Govt. was in power, just export the problem and hopefully it goes away kind of attitude.
If you read the link I posted above you'll find the new legislation has failed first time out.

i hope you're right, we be waiting for these old cunts to die off in England too, maybe some of the other oppressive laws that restrict social behaviour will die with them also

ADHD and call of duty is more popular than Jesus with the youth in England, i'm sure Ireland is similar these days

i hope i live long enough to see the younger generation turn all the church buildings into ADHD treatment centers and gaming arcades
i hope you're right, we be waiting for these old cunts to die off in England too, maybe some of the other oppressive laws that restrict social behaviour will die with them also

ADHD and call of duty is more popular than Jesus with the youth in England, i'm sure Ireland is similar these days

i hope i live long enough to see the younger generation turn all the church buildings into ADHD treatment centers and gaming arcades

Haha the best church I was ever in was the one in King's Cross where I went regular to get shitfaced.
but they must appease the invisible man in the sky..what to do?..what to do?
As far as I know Catholics are the only ones that have a problem with birth control or contraception in general, though it would not surprise me to see some of that in the Anglican Church as it was pretty much Catholic with the English monarch at it's head instead of the Pope.

The only problem most protestants have with "the pill" is their fear it will turn their daughter into a whore.

They don't oppose the woman down the street using it.

Not wanting public tax dollars to be spent to provide you with the pill is not the same thing as opposing the pill.
Well, I get it spandy, but not like you said. There is no such thing as race in the DNA. Race is an expression of DNA for climate considerations. Culture is an expression of climate for social considerations.

So, that is exactly and only what culture has to do with race. And when we say Climate, we mean the overarching all, of Climate, not just the weather. It means the Political, the social Castes, and the Opportunities.

If the overall Climate of the Culture is nurturing, the youts succeed, if not we RIOT. That's it.

This is the history of humans. So, if that is your quote about MultiCulturalism, you are so correct, for 10,000 years ago. However, if you need workers, you bring them in. Japan does not, but we do, with greedy arms open. We allow the cultural enclaves of all that came here willingly, to work, but we ruthlessly stamped out the Culture of our slaves.

OP. This is why those stats you Threaded are correct and is why the way you put it is shameful.
i hope you're right, we be waiting for these old cunts to die off in England too, maybe some of the other oppressive laws that restrict social behaviour will die with them also

ADHD and call of duty is more popular than Jesus with the youth in England, i'm sure Ireland is similar these days

i hope i live long enough to see the younger generation turn all the church buildings into ADHD treatment centers and gaming arcades

But Pete Townsend said it best, Meet the new cunts, same as the old cunts. :)
Well, I get it spandy, but not like you said. There is no such thing as race in the DNA. Race is an expression of DNA for climate considerations. Culture is an expression of climate for social considerations.
nah there is definitely a difference in dna between races."If you ask what percentage of your genes is reflected in your external appearance, the basis by which we talk about race, the answer seems to be in the range of .01 percent." Dr. Harold Freeman Hospital executive and surgeon who has studied the issue of biology and race."
So, 19 acts of property crime in the last 30 years. The last doctor was shot in 1993, 21 years ago and that equates with the TENS OF THOUSANDS that the Islamo Fascists have killed , and the bombings and wholesale destruction of neighborhoods in the name of religion in the same time frame. Great comparison! You should run for speaker of the house if the Democrats ever get control again!
So, 19 acts of property crime in the last 30 years. The last doctor was shot in 1993, 21 years ago and that equates with the TENS OF THOUSANDS that the Islamo Fascists have killed , and the bombings and wholesale destruction of neighborhoods in the name of religion in the same time frame. Great comparison! You should run for speaker of the house if the Democrats ever get control again!

Of course. She will succeed at anything.
Someone pointed out that a few days ago across the world 2000 christians were killed by Muslims JUST IN THAT DAY. Now, that is hard to equate with a handful of lone wolves over a few decades.
Someone pointed out that a few days ago across the world 2000 christians were killed by Muslims JUST IN THAT DAY. Now, that is hard to equate with a handful of lone wolves over a few decades.

and we're all sure you have a citation for that which doesn't come from, right?
Someone pointed out that a few days ago across the world 2000 christians were killed by Muslims JUST IN THAT DAY. Now, that is hard to equate with a handful of lone wolves over a few decades.
Its Bullshit, and the Vatican knows it. To get that number they counted all the deaths in the civil war in the republic of Congo, if you didn't know, 80% of people in the Congo are Christian. So they just counted all of those millions of deaths due to starvation as Christian martyrs and made the average out to 100,000 christians dying each year; 90,000 of them would be from the congo.
See line 28.

Statistics are just one way of telling lies. Having the Vatican support the lie is all most knuckleheads need to believe every word of the lie.