

Well-Known Member
ok, 3rd time lucky with this post.....

Happy New Year Unity.

Your girls look like they have been on my roof terrace in the snow!!! VERY impressive bru!!!:clap:

Here is the BlackJack seedling (first two pics - and the third is the NewYork47) Both are coming along nicely, around 2 weeks from seed I think...
My main grow area is coming along nicely, another week or so of vegging then I think I will go 12/12 there. Keep the BlackJack and NY47 going in veg though.



Well-Known Member
Well look at that tasty bud :) You must be exited Robert! Great job, keep it up and keep those pics coming!


Well-Known Member
53 day flower:
You tell me, but the top buds look dam near done if it was not for the pesty little trichs that is. So far only about 20% milky and no amber.
I have a feeling it is going to go fast once they turn :)
They are not getting much bigger anymore, I'm a little bummed, but I hope that the calyxes will swell up some more. Just do it dam it lol! What do you guys think?



robert 14617

Well-Known Member
let them get ripe they are so close now ,keep up the good work this will be my first try on the BJ's looking forward to the smoke ....rob


Well-Known Member
Looks delicious Unity.

Got my first little 7 leaf appearing on my little baby.

Peace bru,



Well-Known Member
8 weeks, 2 to go :)
Cheers everybody, it's getting very danky in my ole cab :) Mostly milky at this point on the upper buds and about half/half on the lower.
No more res.change this week, I'm just riding my nutes down by adding back water and next week I'll start a 7 day flush. The Ph has been the most stable it has been in the last week and I think it shows a bit in the buds :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Nice Unity. My girl is getting quite tall, compared to the NYC47 that popped at the same time she is a good 1 1/2 bigger, same growth conditions. So I think I will top her as she is on the 4th node. Then start lst'ing the dirty brasser. Can't wait to get them in a 12/12 enviro.

2 weeks to go bru, hang on in there, can't wait to see those buds trimmed and looking sexy.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
What a beautiful grow. I'm at day 19 of flower with my Blackjack grow and posted a grow journal last night. May be having a problem but we see. Looking forward to seeing the harvest.


Active Member
They are looking frosty as frick. How far away was the lighting from the plants through veg and flower?


Well-Known Member
What a beautiful grow. I'm at day 19 of flower with my Blackjack grow and posted a grow journal last night. May be having a problem but we see. Looking forward to seeing the harvest.
Cheers Snew :)
Yeah I see what you mean, there seams to be something going on with your grow, I wish I could help you, but I'm a hydro guy :(
I would check the usual suspects i.e. ph,nutes, water possible flush etc ...
I wish you the best of luck bro!


Well-Known Member
They are looking frosty as frick. How far away was the lighting from the plants through veg and flower?
Cheers Mafuki :)
The lights are at about 15-18 inches from the light during flower. They were under a mh until 1st week of flower at about 24 inches.

I learned my lesson though, mad stretch when I switched from the mh to the hps :(
Next round I will manage my light better, mh until end of 3rd week flower as well as keeping it closer to my plants, about 12 inches.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic from my Black Domina Harvest last year, she is the reason why I tried the BlackJack strain. I keep chasing the 'pinecone' feel lol.

The BlackJack is nice, but she is no BlackDomina:(
The plants grow very similar structuraly, but the buds develop completely different. Mind you the pic of the BlackDomina is at 45 days, when she was done :)
Whereas the pic of the Blackjack bud is at 56 days with another 2 weeks to go.

As it goes so often I had no idea what I had when I flowered that little beauty, and I tried for 2 months to re-veg it, with no luck. That motha was done lol.

Well, I'm not being all honest here, to the benefit of the blackjack I have to say that the early bud in the pic was taken from about half way down, whereas the BD bud was a top bud ;)



Well-Known Member
Hey Unity, still on the countdown....getting close now bru.

Just switched my girls to 12/12 today. I was going to veg the BlackJack for longer but I want to have the variety when it comes to harvest. So it will be a midi sized girl, but a still got some other Blackjack beans so it's all good.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I like the 600 thread, seems to be a lot of nice guys stop by over there, thanks for turning me on to it DST ;)
Yeah, nothing wrong with variety, especially in soil. In hydro it comes with its own problems.


Well-Known Member
Here is a side shot. There is a good strtch in there which I could have avoided with better light management early in flower. Learn from it, keep your lights close... MH will help until end of stretch.
Luckily the nugs are tight most of the way down ;)

