Blacklight growing?!?!


Well-Known Member
Someone once told me that you could use a blacklight for the veggie stage?!?! Is this true?!? Or whatnot?!?


Well-Known Member
no it will not work...for one there is not enough lumens to grow one blade of grass

and 2 just get some daylight CFL's............. 3 or four will be enough to veg a plant up to 8 - 10 inches

if flowering with CFLS you want atleast 5 42 watt 2700k CFL's and 5 26 watt 6500k CFL's i have found in the past that growing with CFL's it is best to use both spectrums cause warm light cfl's alone dont put out enough lumens but the 6500k bulbs make up for it ....10 altogether will work for flowering an 8 inch plant cause in the end its gonna be atleast 2 foot any higher and you'll need a few more lights........thats y its easier to go out n buy a nice 400 watt hps system with an high output HPS gets the job done


Well-Known Member
shit yea man black bulbs r so dear man, and they wouldnt even do a thing to ur plants