Blackstar 240W LED Dissected and Upgraded!

Hey Budworth, your best bet is to talk to Sean or Vince at Gotham Hydroponics. They should have some replacement drivers or at least a way to get some from Blackstar/LighthouseHydro. You could also buy off-the-shelf replacements from Ebay, but that's more complicated I think. Good Luck and Happy Growing! (845) 504-5723 or
Hey FranJan thanks for that. The off the shelf idea sounds interesting as I do not have a warranty, I got it second hand from ebay-the seller has since "left", and so am unsure if they could help me, however I took your advice and dropped them an email, so fingers crossed on that one-I appreciate the link .To be honest I never really wanted to know about what the inside of an led growlight looked like, I just wanted to concentrate on the growing, but when you pay alot of money for something just to break at a crucial stage-I guess you just have to try your best and fix it yourself- and thats where you kind people come in. So if I can ask you about these drivers on Ebay, FranJan?- do you know from your experience what wattage of driver these are on the BS?-they are absolutely non descript apart from a label on the casing that reads: 80-130v 630mA. I think its string of approx 42 leds that cant be lit until I can get the replacement-so Im currently left in limbo.Thanks
Doh! Gotham Hydro just got back-$15 plus shipping-doh, it was so obvious- ordered 2 for when the next one blows-doh! I'm so sthupid..but also majorly boosted in a great way-thankyou FranJan.
No problemo. And I think in this case wattage is just 110(v)x.63(amp)= ~70W. Still your better off with the stock option :). Good Luck and Happy Growing!