Blackstar UFO LED 2 Plant Closet Grow

Whats up everyone. Decided to journal my first grow which is consisting of one Nirvanna Ice Feminized seed and one Sweet Seeds Ice Cool Feminized seed. If anyone has experience with either of these two strains your input would be greatly appreciated. I am using a mix of Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Soil in 5 gallon smart pots from the beginning to cut out transplantation and minimize stress. The lighting I am using for veg includes two 135 watt Blackstar LED UFO one for each plant and three 23 watt CFL's at 5500k for supplementation that I will switch to three 100 watt CFL's at 2700k for flowering. I currently keep them on a 24/0 light cycle and they are about 12 inches above the top of the pot. The temperature stays between 80 and 85 degrees and the humidity stays between 40% and 60%. Any information on lighting height and proper temperature and humidity levels would be greatly appreciated. I germinated using the paper towel method using water mixed with General Hydroponics Rapid Start which I am planning on using throughout the entire grow. The only other nutrients I will be using are Botanicare Liquid Karma starting at day 14 through the entire grow, and Fox Farms Cha Ching during flowering. Any other experience, input, or opinions on these nutrients or additional nutrients would also be extremely appreciated.

Strain: 1 x Nirvanna Ice & 1 x Sweet Seeds Ice Cool
Medium: Fox Farms Ocean Forest & Miracle Grow Moisture Control
Lighting: 2 x 135 watt Blackstar UFO LED & 3 x 23 watt 5500k (2700k flowering) CFL
Nutrients: Botanicare Liquid Karma (whole grow), General Hydroponics Rapid Start (whole grow), & Fox Farms Cha Ching (flowering)

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Day 7 in Soil: Whats up everyone. Wanted to attach some pictures through day 7 since they have been in soil. Giving them no nutrients yet except for the Rapid Start for root growth. Pics below, comments appreciated! :weed:



Active Member
just so you know the mg soil has nutes in it be try not to over do it when you start to add nutes could burn them


Well-Known Member
I grow with MM to. I use liquid Miracle-Gro plant foods drops. Than I use Fox farms big bloom,tiger bloom for flowering.


Active Member
I've harvested the Nirvana Ice- nice smoke, mine was more indica type pheno with a yield of about 1.5oz cured per plant, lst'd to about 18", heavy dense buds, funky odor that strengthened with cure. Buzz can leave one semi-catatonic. Cloned well too.
I've also done Speed Devil Auto from Sweet Seeds- very easy grow with good yield and smooth medium potency smoke. I went thru it fast.

Those were done with a 250w hps, but I've since switched it up to led- I'm using the HTG Supply equivalent of the BlackStar 240w. It is working great with my current grow (Rocklock and Sour Cream, two DNA beauties). I'm also using the same dimension tent 4X2X4 which I think is awesome if you are height restricted like me (I tie 'em down and never let 'em up).
Hell yea this is technically going to be my first real grow and i decided to go with the LED because its such a restricted space being 2x4x6. As for the temps there so fucking high ebcause my a/c in my house is fuckin broken and i dont know how to get them down. I got fans and shit but they arnt really doing anything. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
85 is not too high but it is about as hot as you want to get without supplemental CO2. With supplemental CO2, 85 is just fine and dandy. I don't currently use liquid karma but have in the past and it's very good, although expensive.


Well-Known Member
Liquid karma is not nutrients. It is micronutrients. So yes, you will need more than liquid karma. Liquid karma is only meant to be a supplement.


Well-Known Member
Although I have yet to do a true test Exhale CO2 bags have been working great for me. There is a noticeable heaviness to the air in the room, and the plants have been much happier since I bought it 2 months ago. It uses mushroom power! As for the liquid karma, just make sure that your plants are able to get what they need nutrient wise. Overdoing it will hurt you more in the long run than running something low nute. Low ball every suggestion on nutrient that anyone gives you. If they say a teaspoon per gallon, start with half and see how the plant responds in a week. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Easiest way is to get an exhale co2 bag or similar ($20-30) - no muss, no fuss. Online or at your local hydro store.

Like I said, LK are NOT macronutrients, only micronutrients. You still need regular nutes, LK is a supplement only for enhancing growth and helping prevent deficiencies.
Day 13: Been 13 days since they have been planted in the soil. Been sporadically giving them a few squirts out of the squirt bottle with the General Hydroponics Rapid Start. Lookin pretty green and healthy. Do you guys think they should be any bigger at this stage. They have been popped out of the soil for about 11 days. Ive got the temps back to normal range but I need to increase the humidity. Any ideas? Also was wondering when you guys think I can start the liquid karma at small dosages. Pretty impressed with the Blackstar LEDs at this point. Check out the pics. Comments appreciated!! :joint::hump:

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Active Member
Dude I would recommend dropping your light down or raising your plants,here are my last few at day 15,only 2 days older yet I have 5 nodes and they are only about 3.5 inches tall.I am also only using a 90 watt LED ufo

Day 13: Been 13 days since they have been planted in the soil. Been sporadically giving them a few squirts out of the squirt bottle with the General Hydroponics Rapid Start. Lookin pretty green and healthy. Do you guys think they should be any bigger at this stage. They have been popped out of the soil for about 11 days. Ive got the temps back to normal range but I need to increase the humidity. Any ideas? Also was wondering when you guys think I can start the liquid karma at small dosages. Pretty impressed with the Blackstar LEDs at this point. Check out the pics. Comments appreciated!! :joint::hump:

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Im not to worried about it dankerous. I just raised the lights i thought they might be going a little slow but i just think its because i have them in 5 gal pots. How ofted are you watering?