Blaze & Daze

$150 !? I get it in 15# bags and it's not anywhere close to that. You know how much perlite it takes to make 15#........a whole freaking lot lol
Oh, lol. wait that shit is expensive online and all, but mine was also factoring in the reused coco, too. Regardless. I do not use perlite, and will not start. Happy you're happy with it. My newest batch of seedlings are vibing just fine in new coco.
They are both peat based. Basically a mix of sphagnum peat, dolomitic and calcitic lime, mycorrhizae, varying sized perlite and wetting agents. SM also contains some silica.

I was thinking of getting a big garbage pail and putting all the used PM/SM into the pail and letting nature flush the old stuff out over the course of a few months. So I don't have to let nature do it's own flush?
Nooo. I only use fresh for seedlings but why throw away hot soil? It grows plants. Nature flushing it out is more plants eating from the same trough. Are they eating leftovers? I like leftovers,

But, you have a different calendar than I do and you train for limited height, I think.
I reuse my Kings mix, I water to runoff every time so I figure there isn't much left in the soil. I haven't had any problems doing that yet. I'm not relying on it for nutes anyway.

"INGREDIENTS: 25-35% coco fiber, perlite, aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, coco chips, fish bone meal, basalt, bat guano, dolomite (PH adjuster) feather meal, kelp meal, gypsum. "