Blaze & Daze

We almost cracked open the Cherry Cream cheese kringle too ... but we decided to leave that in the freezer until XMas.

But with the mention of something sugary, now I can't wait to satisfy the inevitable munchies later tonight with some M&M's Peanut Butter.
This is the first time I've ever heard of a Kringle!! I googled it and here's what I found:

My husband approves!
... You could at least provide a link. I promise I won't upstage your kringle! ...
This link:

You could at least provide a link. I promise I won't upstage your kringle!
Well then NO! I was hoping you'd make one for me! Or at least do the test Kringle so you could save me all the pitfalls. This buying shit behind you and LG is working out GREAT for me!! I like not being a bleeding edge adopter. Our Cronk got you the link. I don't think 24 is outrageous considering the work involved just thinking about it.
We tried the Turtle Kringle - it's not as good as we hoped. We stick with the fruit and nut varieties.

Yup - Racine. But please tell me you are giddy about the kringle and not about Wisconsin?
Giddy about easily ordering said kringle. A week working in Madison left me with an erroneous impression of Wisconsin as a beacon of culture in the midwest, an impression thoroughly dispersed by a like period of days spent in Beloit.
It's the western tip of the rust belt.
... A week working in Madison left me with an erroneous impression of Wisconsin thoroughly dispersed by a like period of days spent in Beloit ...
I hear ya.

Madison is not at all like the rest of the place. Mrs. S. hometown, Kenosha, is a larger version of Beloit on Lake Michigan.

The best part of our trips to WI was when we were southbound on U.S. Rte 41 through Gurnee.