Ah yes - want toxic levels of sodium ladies?... As long as it isn't taking a trip through a water softener you should be fine! ...
For a second I thought you were asking if I wanted a really salty snack. :'[Ah yes - want toxic levels of sodium ladies?
Major lockout. I was growing upstairs nowhere near any hard water supply so I hit the bypass valve on the water softener, thinking I could flush the line up to the second floor bathtub and use that. But no. And it took a long time and other eyes to figure out what was wrong, so the problem just got worse and worse. I did right the ship eventually but not my finest moment.Ah yes - want toxic levels of sodium ladies?
That seems wise! Like Evel Kneivel, I jumped Snake River Canyon so you don't have to!May have to run a test on a smaller level.
High levels of sodium fools the plants into thinking they don't need any water/feed even though they are completely parched.... Major lockout ...
We don't want to screw up your Floraflex test drive, tho. That could mess up our wholesale switch down the road!Man, mine takes minimal if any adjustment with RO and the Floraflex 2 part. I'd hate to switch and then need to start dumping pH down in there. That said, it's still less work than filling jugs out of the dispenser. I'll definitely test drive it for a couple reservoirs.
Major lockout. I was growing upstairs nowhere near any hard water supply so I hit the bypass valve on the water softener, thinking I could flush the line up to the second floor bathtub and use that. But no. And it took a long time and other eyes to figure out what was wrong, so the problem just got worse and worse. I did right the ship eventually but not my finest moment.
Lucky to recover from sodium toxicity - by the time you see symptoms it's often too late.... At least you figured it out and corrected quickly ...
Headed to the Neurologist this afternoon, 24 mi to the big city one way. Hoping he will come up with a plan so I can walk like a human again. This is getting really old. They have valet parking if I can't find big butt parking by the door at least.
Lucky to recover from sodium toxicity - by the time you see symptoms it's often too late.
Thanks, my back is paying me back for years of abuse. It will usually correct itself in short order, not so much this time.Sorry Ratt, you've had a pretty rough year.