Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
It's like walking into detention. "Hey all my friends are here" :lol:
Back in my high school, if you came in late you got a detention. Once you got 6 unserved detentions it turned into a 1 day in school suspension. I had study hall first period and my parents didn't care that I would just sleep in for that. But we're too lazy to write me notes. So just about every other week I had a day of in school suspension. And it was the best times of my life lol.


Well-Known Member
It was a lot more fun to talk by the windows, laughing they got caught and you didn't. At least I imagine that would be fun.
I always got caught talking in class. I went to a military school so discipline was not fun. I'm just loud by nature and after 10 years of whispering in a Catholic elementary and junior high school I was ready to get loud in HS. We had ex drill Sargents and Christian Brother missionaries for teachers and they didn't buy the whole class clown bit. No sense of humor.