Blaze & Daze

good day to all you fine people! one of our chickens has figured out an escape route out of the run...the one that we just enclosed for them that is 25' x 40', complete with an old garden bed for dust bathing. we now have the red tailed hawks alerted that there are, in fact, chicken nuggets to be had if they just wait long enough. ugh. i've renamed her from "beyonce" to "andy" on account of the escape attempts. we have hawk netting up over the run, but not the larger garden space.

thoughts and prayers, TIA!
... Don't tell anyone but I usually swing by and read ...
It's easier to just say lurking.

And fuck, am I ever late to this party today. My first post comes with dinner time ~3 hours away. I would like to say that the outdoor weed last night was so good that I was able to sleep the day away ... but no. It was work.

We be moving all of our VM's and subsequent apps to GCP so I had to start to read up on it - and also generate some GCP ID's so I can get that ball rolling.