Blaze & Daze

Here in Az we don't switch, much better in my opinion. Something no one ever mentions is when you switch to DST your children are walking to school in the dark. Never liked that, I wonder how many children get hit by cars as a result.

To use that logic though, they'd be walking to school in the dark all winter long as well. So really this just extends that another few weeks by switching the time. Let's call it a good lesson in survival of the fittest. LOL
Switching times has negative sleep and health implications also. Messes with me every time and I’m already on shaky ground with sleep at times.

It's dark when I go to bed and dark 6 hours later when the pill wears off/I get not a huge deal here. The real impact is that the dogs are off by an hour on the ever-important feeding schedule...thus...I get the evil stare for a few months. Then you >just< get em used to it and the cycle repeats....
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