Blaze & Daze

Anyone know anyone who’s tested this theory out? ;)

In addition to putting up panda film on the walls, I also put down a Firestone pond tarp to cover the floors. The tarp is used to line the bottom of ponds, it is a thick rubber that should last a lifetime. I installed 2x4s around the door entrance, and the tarp goes up 6 inches around the perimeter of the base boards of the entire room. Every rez in there could spill, and the room would easily hold all the water without damage.


The most pragmatic thing about it is that I get to spray the shit out of all my plants, and the water just sits on the tarp and harmlessly evaporates. Good shit...

The most pragmatic thing about it is that I get to spray the shit out of all my plants, and the water just sits on the tarp and harmlessly evaporates. Good shit...
Every rez in there could spill, and the room would easily hold all the water without damage.

The most pragmatic thing about it is that I get to spray the shit out of all my plants, and the water just sits on the tarp and harmlessly evaporates. Good shit...

Mornin all.

Snowing again...LOL. Feast or famine. Only a couple of trees took it real hard. SNAP. There's a bunch of bent over stuff out there, for sure.

Re the above...don't ask me how I know this...but be wary of condensation UNDER that tarp. I can't fully tell from the photo...but the slightly raised grain on those "boards" on the floor remind me of a "Pergo" type floor we had once. Great stuff til it finds moisture. Then it warps like mad.

BUT...I know you have a game goin' ju$t save some dinero and plan on replacing that floor. Might not happen...but.... good luck!
Awesome very cool are you full time? Do you write your own music also
Not full time. Side gig. I do write some (and so does another guy in the band), but we’re mainly a cover band, though with our own twist on things for sure. We’re low key. Just for fun. Used to be my weed money, but growing has happily made that unnecessary. Now my wife just takes the cash.
Awesome very cool are you full time? Do you write your own music also


Seems there may be a few fans here. My college buddies were/still are huge Deadheads. One is a pretty keen photographer. Not trying to spam here...but my buddy has quite a few photos he's taken over the years if anyone has interest in such things. Or...maybe you'd dig a life-sized cardboard cut-out of a full Size Jerry for your office/man/woman cave/drug den? I can check/ask him what is up/prices if anyone has interest.
Here's a few 8 x 10's he gifted me...