Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Hey all you Maxi users! Plants are starting their pre-flower and has me wondering at what point y’all make the Gro -> Bloom switch. First time using the Maxi line this season so not sure if a gradual transition is best. Stay elevated friends :peace:
The s-t-r-e-t-c-h should be getting close... :D Kind of a different game here this year a bit because of the clones in the mix. Such a different structure from the from-seed gals. Should make staking things up interesting for sure.

I haven't used Maxi series nutes for a bit but I remember there's a transition period betwween grow and bloom on the feed charts they offer as a guide. Of course, they are in the biz of selling I've personally always gone lighter than they (anyone) recommends. :D

I went organic here once again. Much to the wife's chagrin...I'm always brewing up somethin' stanky/earthy/foamy.:P One reason I do this is because these kind of mixes often have a lower pH after they are brewed up and that helps a lot here where the water out of the hose is 8+ on the scale.