Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Greetings from the Annapolis Valley. Hard to believe it’s been 13 years since I’ve been out here. Just had tea with my 94 year old Grandmother and such great laughter and reminiscing. Missed her.

Another perk is getting to stay with my Aunt & Uncle down the road at their place. It’s like an outdoor Shangri-La near a winery. Outdoor shower, pavilions, pizza oven in the outdoor kitchen, raised bocce/boulle venue. Kinda nuts, but in a grounded, hippy way. They never had kids and just either travel or spend time adding to the 5 acres here. I’m hella jelly of how they live.

I keep (half) joking that I’ll retire out here and take over the place from them. It’s quite restorative to spend a few days here. Plus, they could grow a fuck-ton of weed on this property ;)