Blaze & Daze

Hopefully the both of you have a great day and a better night
Yeah so far so good.
It’s gotten colder here in San Jose, overcast and wear a hot and gloves cold. The leaves are falling and it’s changing. It’s nice to be able to hit up the redwoods this time of year and boy oh boy do they have HUGE ones here. I love them so much sometimes I even hug them. Never gone so far as to Chain myself
To one but I do have a strong connection to them. Is it cold where u are at?
Yeah so far so good.
It’s gotten colder here in San Jose, overcast and wear a hot and gloves cold. The leaves are falling and it’s changing. It’s nice to be able to hit up the redwoods this time of year and boy oh boy do they have HUGE ones here. I love them so much sometimes I even hug them. Never gone so far as to Chain myself
To one but I do have a strong connection to them. Is it cold where u are at?

I do recommend (weekday) ride along Skyway Blvd. and breakfast at Alice's Restaurant woodside.
I do recommend (weekday) ride along Skyway Blvd. and breakfast at Alice's Restaurant woodside.
I was just telling my husband I wish I worked weekend so that i could do more adventures on the week days because the crowds here are so annoying!! We tried to hike castle rock SP yesterday but got a late start and found no parking so headed back down to bear creek redwoods . Parking no problem and the hike was fantastic! Thanks for the tip on Alice’s. We will have to hit it super early next time. Do you live near this area?
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I was just telling my husband I wish I worked weekend so that i could do more adventures on the week days because the crowds here are so annoying!! We tried to hike castle rock SP yesterday but got a late start and found no parking so headed back down to bear creek redwoods . Parking no problem and the hike was fantastic! Thanks for the tip on Alice’s. We will have to hit it super early next time. Do you live near this area?

That's one of my fav things about having my schedule reversed from the general populace. I'm out adventuring or running errands while everyone is working during the week, and when they're whooping it up on the weekends, I'm working. It's best that we don't interact too often, for all our sakes...
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anyone get a good look at the leonids meteor shower tonight? its too much full moon here with clouds, that the last 4 nights ive wasted looking for them.
itts also the last of the four super moons tonight, so don't miss it. you guy's are so lucky with your clear sky's.
I was just telling my husband I wish I worked weekend so that i could do more adventures on the week days because the crowds here are so annoying!! We tried to hike castle rock SP yesterday but got a late start and found no parking so headed back down to bear creek redwoods . Parking no problem and the hike was fantastic! Thanks for the tip on Alice’s. We will have to hit it super early next time. Do you live near this area?

I lived in Pacific Grove about 120 mi. from SF where the GF lived and would ride the bike in the redwoods take twice as long to get there but oh the ride. Then hit 101 and return to hell.

Mid 50°s later, 43° now. Got a storm coming.......maybe snow.....maybe rain....definitely a mess lol

How's everyone doing today?
morning, friends! i'm nursing a cold this morning that has gotten worse since friday. for a few hours last night i lost my smell/taste and of course it was while i was cooking and eating dinner. i was so pumped about the new dish that i made and i couldn't even taste it! it had toasted mustard and fennel seeds, blistered cherry tomatoes, garlic, ginger...i thought immediately when i could smell NONE of those things that i had the vid again. but no fever or aches or other death-like symptoms like the first time i had it so who knows?

it's 60 and cloudy here today. i'm thinking about a little walk outside to get the blood flowing.
also need to make elderberry syrup and fire cider today. i swear by those things, and apparently i'm late this year :lol: