Well-Known Member
When I was a kid in SoCal we were about 35 miles from the earthquake in Sylmar (1971), it was a 6.6. We had a patio cover that was swaying about 4 feet side to side and the windchimes on the end woke me up. It felt like I was in a boat. Made it to my bedroom door and there was a gas wall heater right there, I wondered whether that was a good place to be at the time. Had to hold the door casing to stand up. Seemed like it lasted a long time, but it was probably a few minutes.We had a tiny 1.9 earthquake in the county next to us last week. I slept right thru it. The 5.6 we had a few years back was the first time I'd ever been around one. That shook the house so hard I thought a tree had fallen on it. Y'all can keep those big quakes out there in CA, we're all good here lol.