Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
... Yeah, I feel like the mayor of my block but I'm really just Senhor Crankypants who sambas in his driveway ...
That's OK - I think we are all some version of Senior Crankpants to the neighbors. All the humans tend to ignore me on the lane.

Fortunately, every one of the 40+ dogs in the vicinity love us which, let's be honest, is way more important anyway.


Well-Known Member
I offered to buy the wife larger breasts, said they would be a great home entertainment system. She complained that hers weren't big enough, I had no problem with B cups.
women i had this hot girlfriend once kinda looked like Julia Roberts a bit, says to me "you think i should get breast implants?"
didnt know what to say so i said sure if that is what you want (thought she was struggling with it)
apparently i was supposed to say no no they great the way they are, women always trying to catch us boys out.... :wall: just give it up girls
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Well-Known Member
I would have ended up in the shit house with you ... cause I would have said the same thing.
we broke up not long after that i didnt know it was a loaded question, she a rich daddies girl thought her dad was paying

got her stoned once she went all rich girl panic/paranoid attack weird on me for an hour or so, ah the good ole days
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Well-Known Member
in her defence she could handle alcohol better than me, what is it about those tall skinny bitches can drink you under the table?

i thought she was gonna get smashed and i would be all good, rich daddy girls can drink the hard stuff eh :clap:

watch out all the young players out there dont go one for one with a rich girl
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