Blaze & Daze

Rotator cuff surgery had me in a sling for 6 weeks and then PT for like 8 weeks. I need to get mine done again but the time it takes to rehab is a bitch so I'll wait till I can't raise my arm above my shoulder level and give in then. Thank God for Green Dragon tincture or it would be much sooner. The surgeon was pretty cool for a VA hospital guy. He even worked the incision around my tattoo so it didn't scar it up.
Yep it was a full year before I had full use of my left arm again, without pain....and it's starting to hurt again.

AND now I need a right shoulder replacement, but I am really hesitant to do it. I've had around 10 cortisone injections in that shoulder and I don't use it for anything strenuous, and it's doing ok.
I am happy to report that humankind is good overall.

After replacing the basketball net at the park I fixed the bench by the court. The middle plank in the bench was useless, sagging a couple inches at one point. So I decided on a little social experiment. The court bench had been getting a little trashed with water battles and wrappers laying around, even though the garbage can is just 10 feet away, so I put a little message on a new plank for the bench.


It seems to be working. The kids seem to respect it now. They seem appreciative.

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Wet and humid here as well. Thunder and lightning in the mid 70°s today.

How's everyone today?