Blaze & Daze

Getting ready for golf, 4 days in a row. We'll see if my back holds up and I don't die of heat stroke.
Got my floppy hat, light clothes and a gallon of cold water.
The secret is stay in the shade whenever possible and keep proactively drinking fluid, if you wait till you're thirsty it's too late.
Working on a streak of 3 weeks in a row in the 70's gotta keep it going.
Luckily it has been a long time since it got this bad, it happens occasionally but it usually only lasts a couple days till it adjusts itself. Thanks for the concern.

I just said "WTF did I do yesterday, my back is killing me", and I didn't do much at all....I think it might be time to get my SI joints fused. I had them injected about 6 weeks ago and that has long since wore off.

I don't have much confidence doctors any more though.
WOOHOO ... I would love to score in the 70's. The "little golf" has let me down more than the full swing. I've been kind of stuck in the mid to high 80's for the last couple of seasons and better chipping would fix that.

I know ... practice.
If it makes you feel any better I played for 8 years before I ever broke a hundred.
Good chipping and putting will cover a multitude of sins.
Getting ready for golf, 4 days in a row. We'll see if my back holds up and I don't die of heat stroke.
Got my floppy hat, light clothes and a gallon of cold water.
The secret is stay in the shade whenever possible and keep proactively drinking fluid, if you wait till you're thirsty it's too late.
Working on a streak of 3 weeks in a row in the 70's gotta keep it going.
If you're in the desert (I'm in the Mojave) now is the time to add electrolytes, take some pedialyte or gatorade, mixing with vodka helps the taste or so I've found. Etoh also increases the amount you have to drink so alternate water with your vodka laced salts.
Figured out my problem, and a solution. An anti siphon valve.

I also like their filter....I already did put a check valve (non return valve)

I thought I had this covered as my manifold is above the top of my reservoir, but because my distribution lines are below the res, it started siphoning.

Hopefully I can find one for PVC! Or just put 20 gallons in res instead of 30.

If you're in the desert (I'm in the Mojave) now is the time to add electrolytes, take some pedialyte or gatorade, mixing with vodka helps the taste or so I've found. Etoh also increases the amount you have to drink so alternate water with your vodka laced salts.
We're in the Sonoran. My drink of choice is an Arnold Palmer [half lemonade half tea] interspersed with water.
I've been pulled over twice while leaving the golf course. They see my "I'd rather be driving a Titleist" bumper sticker and figure hmm bet he's been drinking. The group I play with includes a judge and they take their golf seriously. If you get sloppy we will happily take your money.
... If it makes you feel any better I played for 8 years before I ever broke a hundred.
Good chipping and putting will cover a multitude of sins ...
I have had a few stages of improvement over the past ... let's say several ... years. I started playing and the scores were between 120 - 125 with tons of penalty strokes and lost balls.

Had corrected the major slice and reduced them to 100 and 110 with fewer lost balls but still with too many penalties.

Lately the hook has been straightening and a lot more penalty strokes are coming off the scores. Losing fewer balls too. And this is were I am currently - between 85 and 95 but still clank a few bad drives and take a few chubby chip shots. When I reduce those, I can be in the high 70's.
My mom landed in the hospital for a few days due to an afib in her heart. Been dealing with all sort of fallout from that.

S’mores are tasty. Lol. I’m toking again. I think I made it about 2 months before starting again

I hope she will be ok and feeling better soon! It's probably a huge relief to her to have you to deal with the fallout!!

I never did make it for chocolate bars last night, but I put a hurting on a bag of marshmallows :mrgreen: