Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
that was a trip i had a cone before i got there and was walking around finding the biggest trees then i would try one to sample it before filliing the box

be great to bring a vape next time and get there earlier so can enjoy it longer

the missus had a ball
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Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
So I was explaining what a crab trap was to the kids. And I thought I'll Google a picture.......and stumbled upon this lol

Now I'm hungry :lol:
A nice cajun boil sounds good... The stinging hands are the price you pay!


Well-Known Member
I did have to put the pot on the hot plate for an hour or so cause, like Jeff, I agree that coffee needs to be hot.

So - is the resultant brown liquid loaded with higher levels of caffeine? I am a few sips into the 2nd mug and I can already feel the caffeine buzz revvin' up. Or am I just imagining that?
... Does it help the acidity? ...
Yes ... it softens that first hit to the palette. You get that strong coffee flavour, without that initial bite, and that coffee flavour seems to stay on the tongue after you swallow. (What do you mean - an African or a European swallow?) For any Single Malt lovers - think Lagavulin. Enjoyable scotch finish long after that sip is downed.

Listen to me - the coffee aficionado!