Blaze & Daze

Ah first day of school and the bus driver missed the bus stop. So the kid came home and got a lift, they passed the bus on the way out, it was only an hour late.

The 13 year old made some incredibly decadent chocolate chip cookies to bribe her teachers on the first day, really glad she's learned the lessons of bribe first, ask for grade kicks later, but she could have left some cookies for the family. :cuss:

Oh well, here's to a few months of quiet daytime again.
My nephew is big into disc golf, and he got his mom & dad (my sister) and his younger brother into playing, so they go out as a family and apparently they have a few courses I guess, in Massachusetts.
There are courses everywhere. It's awesome. It's fun and it's free to do in most cases. Cost of entry is pretty low to pick up a couple discs. Most courses are free. Some private places charge $5 for a round, but there are plenty of free courses around.
I have played disc golf a few times. I'm really bad at throwing a frisbee.... it's going anywhere within 90 degrees of my left. :D

I'd probably be better at real golf.

Heard that. The best thing we ever did was take a stack of discs to the last hole on the course the other day and just keep throwing them to see what the different discs do and how our different motions and throws affect the flight.