Blaze & Daze


70°s and sunny today.

How's everyone doing?
Got in early again. 1 install and 1 Uninstall then hopefully get out before the heat gets ridiculous.
I should drive my truck more....It is really comfy to drive. Never mind that it gets 13 mpg! But yes, she needs a new battery.

I'm doing a landfill run later today, perhaps.

Oh I moved my outdoor plants at dusk last night. They didn't get tall but they are bushes. The 2 of them will stuff a 4 x 8 tent if I go that route. I moved them close to the house so i can prune them, and pamper them, and if need be slide them into the garage to finish. Hunting season starts soon and they would have been seen....Maybe they already were.

Kevin was flying his drone the other day and someone has built some kind of structure up behind my house....Probably 500' away, and it has a well worn path to it from 2 directions. The 100 acre lot is owned by someone from another state, so probably kids built a fort, or someone made a hunting blind....that's not very blind. There are loads of deer that live there though.

Whew, hit that vape again :blsmoke:
I just got a diehard for the jeep.....$297 :o
See now I am a cheap bastard. I'm going to WalMart and buying an Ever Start for $110. I have one in my Accord going strong for 6 years now. Although the first one I got died after 3 months and they replaced it....

I actually went to the junk yard, and if I could have found a used one for $35 I would have !! (one year warranty)