I hope you are both doing ok. Nothing like high humidity to make joints and every ache and pain bitch loudlyI know we need the rain but man it just hurts and I also get this from across the roomView attachment 5325534come on now I'm ready to go outside all the way up to the door open the door and it's back to staring at me like I did this cardinal sin of making it rain
Damn I have to do a real grocery shopping today. I've been eating terrible and I'm starting to feel it! Too much take out crap!
My veg plants are continuing to green up. I was still getting a touch of burning in a few of them so I turned my big light down to 30% last night and they liked that. They are all green now....No more yellow, and they are starting to grow....and seedlings are coming along too.
I'm sorry Flora didn't work for you but I'm glad you got it sorted and back on track.
My veg plants are continuing to green up. I was still getting a touch of burning in a few of them so I turned my big light down to 30% last night and they liked that. They are all green now....No more yellow, and they are starting to grow....and seedlings are coming along too.
RTFM!!... We had one of my partner's coworkers over to ride the Barbie bong on Friday. She's nowhere near as chronic as us amd I was a bit worried for her. She took it like a champ. I was watching a video on Sunday and realized we didn't have it assembled properperly. There were two diffusers hidden in the packaging that I didn't see or install. The water was moving between each globe too fast and making a kinda hard hit. Once the diffusers were installed everything was smooth ...
Well ya'll So no one will bitch . I am done everything is finished.3 plot's Only lost 2 to termites 1 to tree. Good till next year Good luck everyone .
Last three days I've been back on my old diet after a carbapalooza and I immediately dropped several pounds from all the carbs third spacing LOL plus I didn't dare go in and face my dentist with any carb plaque LOL semi-annual cleaning due in 3, 2, 1....Damn I have to do a real grocery shopping today. I've been eating terrible and I'm starting to feel it! Too much take out crap!
My veg plants are continuing to green up. I was still getting a touch of burning in a few of them so I turned my big light down to 30% last night and they liked that. They are all green now....No more yellow, and they are starting to grow....and seedlings are coming along too.
I have to find a new dentist. Mine up and quit / closed shop because of health issues. Can't even get my records from him...I've written and called, and my new dentist won't take me without a referral from the old one. I'm going to have to go in in person and beg!Last three days I've been back on my old diet after a carbapalooza and I immediately dropped several pounds from all the carbs third spacing LOL plus I didn't dare go in and face my dentist with any carb plaque LOL semi-annual cleaning due in 3, 2, 1....
Speaking of which @manfredo my bowl trimmer is 16" (also lied too LOL). I still love it dearly.Great news!!!!
I think I'm going to pull the trigger this week on the 13" bowl trimmer and the koolatron. I don't have the spare funds, but the time saved with the trimmer and the convenience of the koolatron have to happen eventually. My brother will buy a couple zips when it's ready so it's basically like buying them on credit. Lol I may actually be the world's slowest trimmer so I have been lowkey dreading the harvest of both of these tents. I feel like these 2 items will relieve that dread.
I'd need a few more tents thoughSpeaking of which @manfredo my bowl trimmer is 16" (also lied too LOL). I still love it dearly.
However have you seen these?
CenturionPro DBT Model 1 Dry Batch Bud Trimmer
The CenturionPro DBT Model 1 Dry Batch Bud Trimmer is the most cost-efficient dry batch trimmer on the market today. Designed to harvest delicate dried flower, this model can trim up to 8 pounds per hour (dry) so it’s perfect for home growers and small harvests looking to simultaneously...rightbud.com
I keep rolling this one around in my head:
Cannabis Trimmer - Wet & Dry Trimming | The Original Resinator
The Original Resinator cannabis trimming machines offer solvent-free extraction with wet, dry, and flash freeze capabilities.www.theoriginalresinator.com