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Hemp harvest in the Jičín region. Police shine a light on suspicious gardeners
TODAY 14:46
During the last week, Jičín criminalists seized a total of 40 cannabis plants in various stages of growth, which were to be grown in their gardens by various growers in the Hořice and Jičín region.

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Jičín police officers "harvested" again | Video: Police of the Czech Republic
Police seized a total of 15 cannabis plants from a 42-year-old man from Hořice, who was supposed to grow cannabis both in his garden and in the premises of the house, where the police also found dry matter. A 28-year-old grower was apparently also going to harvest in the territory of Hořice, where police officers found a total of 9 plants with morphological features of cannabis, but also the dry matter itself, behind a wood shelter.
A possible place of cannabis harvest was discovered in one village in the Jičín region by a Jičín dog handler who requested a patrol to the place. While exploring the surroundings together, they came across two men who were harvesting the grown plants into prepared bags. A total of 14 cannabis plants were seized on site, another 2 in the territory of Semily. The men, aged 36 and 41, were escorted to the police station for further action.

Police from Jičín harvested. Growers thus lost mature cannabis plants
All secured material is now awaiting expert expertise. If the police had not intercepted the drugs, according to preliminary estimates, the earnings of individual illegal growers could have been several tens of thousands of crowns. Police officers initiated a criminal prosecution for the offense of illicit production and other handling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and poisons, for which there is a prison sentence of one to five years or a fine. The extent of the crimes of all the men is subject to further investigation.
Hemp harvest in the Jičín region. Police shine a light on suspicious gardeners - Jičín deník (