Blaze & Daze

Picture this: You buy a Ecoboost Mustang , you get a sweet 84 month, zero down loan at a reasonable 13% interest. “Not too bad” you tell yourself. You feel like the coolest guy on the road, “300HP is enough, no need for more cylinders... modern Turbo4s are where it’s at” you mutter under your breath, trying to convince yourself that you didn’t make a terrible choice.

It’s night time and some white sedan is trailing you, you can’t really tell what it is... but you know it’s over 20 years old and the driver is probably a peasant who only paid $3000 cash for the car... used of course. He’s starts lining up next to you, you still can’t tell what it is. You hear a downshift from the car as it holds steady next to you. “This is the time” you say. “Time to do Mustang things.”

Traction control: off

A/C: off

Sport mode: ON

You can feel it already... that untamed 2.3L ECOBEAST is ready unleash all 4 cylinders of fury onto the pavement.

3 honks:


You lose to a old ragged out 1995 Crown Victoria on 24s
Tesla S3 is now $5000 dollars cheaper than a comparable luxury car (before rebates) according to the news this morning.....
Got caught in a 15 min mini blizzard . The wind chill was wicked. It was the absolute worst time to have decided to go for a walk. Like 1030 am. Now it’s almost 3 pm and the sun is shining. The mini blizzard is like this short span of wicked wind that comes blowing through with snow and then just disappears. It is kinda exhilarating but also kinda exhausting. The mountains look pretty with snow but I am looking forward to seeing some green in the trees and ground.
I've seen what that does to lawn, just watch your hair grow now.

4 hours, guess that's all I get :sad:

Happy Monday everyone, hope you all have a great day.
I'm almost afraid to ask but that's never stopped my curiosity in the past so here goes. What does "...fresh syrup..." refer to, could that be interesting code?

We have a small sugar bush on our property that a farm down the road taps. We get a few gallons a year and bring our son down to see all the farm animals. It works out really well. The winter here has been shitty, so they started tapping early, but now everything has froze up again.