Blaze & Daze

had a little work this morning and met up with one of my farmer friends. traded a bit of bud for a nice 2.5# sirloin tip roast, grass fed and grass finished. ain't mad about that, one bit.
walked the dog and enjoyed a little :joint: in the sunshine. we're still trying to make plans for the eclipse on monday. we're frustratingly close to NOT drive to 100% totality - ~20 miles away. however every little town and community is having a big festival or other events. i'm happy for them, getting some tourism $$$ and visibility. we're in "flyover" territory and most folks don't even know these places exist...however i want to see the eclipse in a peaceful, quiet spot. i might have to trespass on some rural land...
Spring, have you made up your mind?
Hail yah! Got some winters for ya's!
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Insane isn't it?
Last week or two it was the situation same here... You saw it!
Was in the 60's today and clear high bluebird skies and the weather was beautiful and everything seemed to be very active.
It's coming my friend and it's going to be beautiful to behold...
Praying so much that humankind has an awakening before everything slips away for the love of other less worldly things.
Something like "A. I." ?
Seems so many people have just accepted whatever is thrown at them. With that trash - they have already forgotten that "A" stands for ARTIFICIAL, as in NOT real.
I'm glad to see and know you have an open mind and stay vigilant because more now than ever, we all must question everything.
A tough pill too but look at the alternate.
Sunny days, great flowers and beautiful blessings your way Sir!

Heehee....ah...the things you can do in the kitchen when you >are< married. Talk about a mess on the table...

And those dog names...and the blue hair. LOL. If you think saying "Come Boomer" turns time call him "Stain". Ah...the looks you'd get...

Had a few more tails show yesterday. The lineup is filling in for Summer. Don't need the money or the weed but it sure is a fun past time for old people. Anybody put anything outside yet?

Mid 40°s later with sun.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Don't need the money or the weed but it sure is a fun past time for old people. Anybody put anything outside yet?
Amen my friend! This hobby keeps me sane and has become a real passion (and keeps me flush with weed, win/win).

Can’t imagine anything going outdoors here in Toronto for a while yet. We’re taking a little family vacation for a week this month. When we’re back end of April, I’ll think about getting the seed starting area organized. Last year I popped May 10, kept indoor under 100w for two weeks then it was safe to move ‘em out. We’ve had May long weekends (Victoria/Memorial Day) with traces of snow. That’s Canada for ya :)
The stats for our area say June 7 for the last frost and Sept 4th for the first frost. 88 days growing season on average. It definitely varies from year to year and the weed doesn't really factor in cus it will truck right through frost/freeze for the most part.

Now when it REALLY gets scramble hard! This is one reason why I don't plant IN THE GROUND here and plant in big fabric pots.

Sept 9th, 2019 - I moved 25+ plants from this hoop house into my garage and then moved them in/out for 2 more weeks before doing the deed.


Last year we didn't see frost until late Sept. Still had a few I babied/pulled inside/out daily for a few weeks til they were truly finished.

But ya never know.....