Blaze & Daze

Olive Garden, same for me.
Problem is they put garlic on EVERYTHING.
Even a simple piece of bread is slathered in garlic before serving.
All you can smell and taste is garlic at some point, so doesn't matter what you order.

ur right they do, and by the time you get your food, it's basically tasteless cause of all the garlic....

i went to the Garden twice, first time as a test, the second time that was it no more......i could make better than what they serve.....
I've been busy. First I want to say my wife has been totally unreasonable throughout this project. 2 degrees is all I asked for. If we set the house thermostat at 72 like normal people instead of 78 I wouldn't be posting. 76 was a good compromise I thought, but my wife says no, she doesn't negotiate with terrorists.
I have a 3x3 tent in the master bedroom. I try to keep the noise levels down so I can't run my exhaust fan at full blast, it's too noisy.
I just switched out to a 6" fan which was good, db's went from 60 to 52, tolerable. I switched back to just running the xs1500 viparspectra, the new xs1500 pro just runs too hot. I was having to run the pro at 25% or the temps shot up into the high 80's. I'm running the old light at 50% and temp is holding at 82. Which brings me to the RH. 30%. I'm trying a fan blowing over a coffee can of water to see if I can't raise it. Plants are doing ok, not great. Once we, if we, get to bigger pots the RH should rise to better value and I can get the VPD in range to grow some good pot.

6" fan, can't hardly see it.
Homemade humidifier with the stretchy little plants.
Food porn, how did that get in there I don't have a problem I can quit anytime.
That's cool. Which site did you buy the clones from?

Got them in a trade on another forum. I should have Louis XIII and LA Pure Kush coming soon from another trade I did with my Triangle Kush clone.
@Rurumo grew that Louis XIII out in one of her journals and I've been trying to get a verified cut of it for about 3 years based on her review.
Hope she's doing well, she was always so helpful and had gorgeous plants.