Bleach + water curing


Well-Known Member
No, Om, YOU are wrong and probably another snot nosed kid yourself. It is not HIS house until he contributes to the mortgage/rent. I would torch my kid's ass if I found out they were jeoparding everything I had spent years of education and hard work acquiring. Everything I have I earned. If I want to risk losing it, that's MY decision, not some punk ass kids.

Now scamper along, I'm sure MTV has some kind of shit you could be watching right now. Dunce....
screw you, old pod


Well-Known Member
we as individuals on this site should not comment on this persons life.

he asked
"is weed still usable if bleach was poured on it?"

we as members of this site say yes/no
thats all or maybe have a creative discussion about something unrelated to reasing kids

the older people posting on here most likly have plants so i am still trying t figure that one out


No, Om, YOU are wrong and probably another snot nosed kid yourself. It is not HIS house until he contributes to the mortgage/rent. I would torch my kid's ass if I found out they were jeoparding everything I had spent years of education and hard work acquiring. Everything I have I earned. If I want to risk losing it, that's MY decision, not some punk ass kids.

Now scamper along, I'm sure MTV has some kind of shit you could be watching right now. Dunce....

dont have a go at that kid cos he didnt ask to be born into that house so really its as much his as it is theres because he lives there..and they dont straight away seize your house and shhhh. and no im not some snotty nosed kid. i was brought up well but i dont agree that his mum should have done tht she should have said dont do it again..they give u a warning first dont straight away smack them..


Active Member
Well It couldnt have been all that nice of a plant if you didnt take the effort to keep it in a dark place away from anything that could contaninate it, like bleach, right? I know if it was my skunk drying it would be hanging in a lightproof cardboard box somewhere inconspicuous, not hanging in the laundry room for my mom to find! Plus, if your mom is sick of the smell get a carbon filter or take a fucking hint and get your own place to grow! Otherwise just stick to smoking nutmeg from your parents spice cabinet and leave the real herbs to the people that actually know how to grow...

dont have a go at that kid cos he didnt ask to be born into that house so really its as much his as it is theres because he lives there
Lol a comment only a person without responsibilities could produce. You clearly still live with your parents and think its your house as well.

Come back when you have paid for rent and electric with your own labor and sweat.
Just sayin...
You'll realize someday, when you have shit of your own...

and smoking bleach is bad news... lol


marijuana is not a narcotic, i know you must hold plenty of grudges for your bad childhood but dont rant at this guy about it. by the way you are also WAAAYYY wrong on saying its not his house, it very much is. he did not place himself in that household and upon birthing him his parents (knowingly or not ) agreed to provide for said child until no longer required to do so by law.
ROFL that just blew my mind, good come back


Well now that I have finished reading this entire section, I must say its got some responce from us fathers. I do agree with my child not growing in my home. Mess everything up if he gets caught. I must say in Canada here, its child aswell. In my home its a bylaw that smoking is not allowed in the home with children, same as driving a car. If CAS was to enter my home and asked me to leave, By LAW, I have to until court is finished. If my wife and I were to die, then this home by law is owned to the all 3 children unless a will is in effect. Car, truck, t.v ect everything. Here it suck, the kids have more rights then mommy and daddy. Did you know if your child picked up a nife at the age of 13 and under and stabbed the dog, you spank the kid for his wrong and bam, you lose your kids and depending if you pulled his pants down hopen you dont it becomes a sexual beef. Welcome to Ontario Canada, land of the free!
So if you live in canada ontario kid or teen whos mom did this, its lawfuly your home to. No dont smoke the bleach and your plant is destroyed

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
"Damn Bitch"?!?!

After providing you with a place to live, food on your plate, clothes on your back and devoting years of her life to you, you pull crap like this, even though you knew she didn't want you to.

It's HER HOUSE, not yours. Get your own fucking place to live before you whine about your mommy pissing you off because she caught you breaking the law.Do you know what happens to your moms house if your caught manufacturing illegal narcotics in it? Do you have any idea what that does to things like property insurance, never mind seizure laws.

Your lucky she didn't call the fucking cops just to teach your little ungrateful ass a lesson, I know my mom would have.
a lil harsh but if my mom did that id be fuckin heated as hell
id pour bleach all in her dresser


Active Member
DaMN THIS THREAD was started back in the day. VERY funny reading it though.....

And... yeah some dudes were acting a little dumb, Like the one who said his kid saw the post and said something about it, Depending on how old that kid was... Kinda
something I wouldnt do myself. I have a son and a daughter and I wouldnt
wanna sit around reading marijauna grow info with them unless they were older,
Or too young to know.

Anyway... Funny thread.... Bleached weed.... haha lots of flaming... what
more can you ask for. And the pawn the tv for a hit comment, was a win.


Active Member
If you even remotely think that someones kids share ownership of their parents property, your a complete retard. If your under 18 than you dont even own the clothes your wearing right now, the bed you sleep in, not even the discman you bought last week with your paper-route money. Your parents could sell every single thing in your room if they wanted to because THEY own it, even if you bought it.
No offense but that is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard when I was 17 my father told me I had to start paying rent or get the fuck out so I chose to get out I started to pack up the clothes that I bought along with the guitar I bought and he said I was not taken that shit with me we got into a fist fight over it he called the cops he told them that I was trying to leave with his property and that he confronted me about it and when I did not listen that he hit me in the face(this is not illigal whear i live im in a corpral punishment state) and then I attacked him but the cops said he had no right trying to keep me from leaving with my stuff and that even if he bought it for me possesion is 9/10 of the law and every thing that He has bought for me is considered as a gift so everything in my room was legaly mine so your wrong about that and the guy who started his thread said that his parents are cool with it but she couldnt stand the smell anymore so yea its wrong to call your mom a bitch but it was also wrong for her to say yea you can grow pot and then fuck up what he spent all of his time on.


Well-Known Member
It's destroyed little man and that's what ya get.
Wait till your old enough to do all that and on your own.


I know it's not a narcotic and you know it's not a narcotic, but when the judge signs the order saying the city now owns your house, it will say "due to the illegal manufacturing of narcotics."

I had an absolutely fabulous childhood, mostly due to my mother, thats why it pisses me of a lot to see some little smartass punk call his mom a "stupid bitch" when all she did was try to make sure her son does not break the law.She didn't even report the little idiot to the police(good mom) yet she is still a bitch?

If you even remotely think that someones kids share ownership of their parents property, your a complete retard. If your under 18 than you dont even own the clothes your wearing right now, the bed you sleep in, not even the discman you bought last week with your paper-route money. Your parents could sell every single thing in your room if they wanted to because THEY own it, even if you bought it.

His parents are required to raise and provide for him, you are correct there. Where in your explanation does it infer they have to let him break the law in their house? By your own admission you say parents are responsible for their children, that means being held responsible for their illegal activities too.

Oh wait, I see what your saying....

[sarcasm] Since your parents have to provide for you anyways, "fuck em", right? Who give a flying shit what they say or rules they set? No matter what you do the law says they have to take care of you, right? So fuck em, do what you want, break the law, have their property seized by the state, maybe even get them thrown in jail.. Who gives a fuck because the "law" says they still have to take care of him...[/sarcasm]

my mums the best mum i could have asked for she let me grow weed? does that make her ive never been spoilt, we're not rich, part of the reason she let me do it. and who are we hurting. and if thats the case even when u move out they still should stop u breaking the law that never ends dickhead..i dont know anyone yet to say yeah when i move out mum im gonna grow weed and there mum to look round and be like good on you son you show them..they would say no your fucking not..and..your house doesnt straight away get seized if you have experience with the police youll know where u stand when they knock on your door.


Active Member
"Damn Bitch"?!?!

After providing you with a place to live, food on your plate, clothes on your back and devoting years of her life to you, you pull crap like this, even though you knew she didn't want you to.

It's HER HOUSE, not yours. Get your own fucking place to live before you whine about your mommy pissing you off because she caught you breaking the law.Do you know what happens to your moms house if your caught manufacturing illegal narcotics in it? Do you have any idea what that does to things like property insurance, never mind seizure laws.

Your lucky she didn't call the fucking cops just to teach your little ungrateful ass a lesson, I know my mom would have.
fuck you and your statement. id rather be in jail than have bleached kush!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
it takes more than your children viewing a pot site to get them taken away... for crying out loud you been on myspace lately i have three beautiful little girls trust me and wouldnt do anything to get them taken away... on another note my mom sat on a jury that convicted a woman and gave her 20 years bcuz her husband was selling yeyo weed and watever else he could and she didnt know about it just was living in the same house. fucked up how the law works like when you get four different charges for carrying a bag of pot or watever maybe not for carrying but if you sell you get 1. poss w/intent to deliver
2. violation of the drug tax stamp and other varrying from state to state. as far as homes being seized due to your kid growing it would b pretty easy to fight that one usually the state has to prove that all seized property was bought and paid for with drug moneys but with cultivation i dont know