Blew my breaker, plug grounded?

Little help? Lol. So long story short. Dude hasn’t been back to put the wire behind the wall. Or fix the wall. Now he’s telling me he needs a hundred bucks to fix the walls back and the wire which REALLY pisses me off. I may have to swallow my pride and let him. But damnit I don’t want to.

here’s what I have.

I’m going to pull all the old insulation and Vacuum of course. My problem with fixing it, mostly, is the fact that the wire is on outside of plug. I’ll have to attach the wires to plug and I assume there’s a hole in that receptacle area and feed the wire through to the very start of the left wire, remove the bullshit wire, tape each wire individually off with electrical tape, then tape all three wires symmetrically to the chord as if it was never exposed? Am I missing anything major?
On so many levels those pictures make me cringe. Please get that wiring figured out for your wife and your sake. Good luck to you
Thanks man. I’m obviously pretty afraid of electricity/burning the place down so I haven’t been in room since dude left except to place traps. He had a excuse every week for the last three weeks and finally says he’s coming back tomorrow..... Once it gets secure and safe the wiring I am going to do a deep clean of the room and pull the carpet up and put something down. If even the stick linoleum stuff. Thanks buddy.
Don't use that wire. Get some new Romex and replace the whole run from whatever junction box it came from. I cant see any holes in the studs to the left of the outlet where he ran that wire but it should run to another outlet on the left or right. Should just plug into the back of the outlets, but any wires that you connect using twist caps like the ground make sure you twist the wires together with pliers first. Like so
Back in the saddle. Plug to plug fresh run. Dude didn’t put the shit back so I did. Fuck it. I pulled all the staples, ripped the nasty insulation out, replaced it and stapled it up, put the panels back in place as neat as i could and used panel nails to tack them back up. It’s not perfect. Far from it. But... we are back growing. Gonna get to the carpet eventually.... need to get a run in.
As long as you turn the power off going to that wire then you can do whatever you want to it. Good job bud!
@Renfro So it is bad to have a power strip in one outlet with multiple lights plugged into it? I have a stip with 4 240w kingbrite leds. I did notice my breaker box started to hum one day when I checked on it. This is in my basement. Should I use other outlets with an extension?