some bud pics inc tijuana and mango...
obviously first grow and that so drying and curing is all new too but it seems okay. still a way to go i imagine. mysteries are dna or reserva privada freebie strains.
clockwise from top left...
a mystery stressed plant. possibly stacked kush.
blimburn mango (somango x critical47)
mystery indica. possibly la confidential.
blimburn tijuana (haze x mother queen)
tijuana is very fruity smelling, orangey after a bit of time out of the jar. definitely hazey.
mango is less mangoey now than when it was flowering but still tasty. very end of the night couchlocky. still needs curing more to completely get rid of the chlorophylly taste.
mystery bonsai (smaller container than the other 3), never formed full colas but the half ounce or so off this plant is delicious, has cured the best so far and has a balanced stone. flavour is a bit like bitter cocoa. smell is not too exciting.
stresshead sativa kush... the main colas of these never really filled out even after a much longer flowering time. lots of 3 leaved fan leaves, a few tops dried/burnt out against lights and some close calls with going away and watering sealed the deal for chopping time. fantastic sugary candy smell and a lot of frost. still nearly as much harvest as the tijuana and more than the mango. we packed a full blunt of this for the season finale of game of thrones and it was like nos balloons for about 45mins. quite the adventure.
i am being very careful not to mix up seeds ever again! several months of annoying guesswork and i'm not sure i'll ever be certain.