Blindly led to our deaths we rejoice at our own lack of knowledge and technology.

I feel that this post is very important. With Democrats realizing that Obama is not their savior, slowly but surly. With "Told you So" bumper stickers stroling around on the back of Republicans Cadillacs, I feel that the time has come, at least for me. I can no longer idily sit by and watch you debate the same general ideals back and fourth. It is time for a new system. Not everyone can possibly fit in the Democrat or Republican views. I certainly can't. This post is for people who see the strings and want to pull them. If you are already educated or just want to know what is really happening to our planet. This will be a place to discuss such issues. The facts as I see them are that we cannot expect to see any source of clean power, food, or even water until our current way is forgotten. There are so many topics capable of being discussed in this post but i am limmiting them to a few for now, and one at a time. Our world needs a serious makeover or we are seriously in for it. So here goes.


Well-Known Member
You are too n00b and the post contains not enough "meat"

Outline specifics that you would like to happen. Then people can agree or disagree with you.

Saying that both the Democrats and Republicans suck...isn't monumentally groundbreaking information.
Politics as usual in Washington. Even after the promise of change, which is really what this discution is about. there will be no change as long as our leader is elected by Exxon, Chevron, Merryl Lynch, Bank of America, and Wal-Mart, among countless others. Why is it that these corporations can seemingly buy power. How did they come to a place that allows them to be more politicaly relevant than over half of the countries in the world. Money. Our blind spending on useless items has produced the real nations of this world Wells Fargo, J.P. Morgan Chase, Halliburton etc... Money is our key issue. The heads of these companies are really the presedents of our nations of the world. Its the golden rule, He who has the gold makes the rules. One man tried to stand up against this institution a couple of hundred years ago any guesses about who? you probobly see him every day and dont even notice. Andrew Jackson the 7th President of the United States of America. This man ran for president on the basis that the Second National Bank had corrupted politics by funding campaigns along with actual senate votes ect... So he focused his sights on shutting down this debt perpetuated monetary system and succeded. sadly less than a century later JP Morgan crafted the Federal Reserve Act privatly and with no actual politicians, then funded the passing of the bill in congress and the senate. all the way to actually literaly bribing the President who at the time was Woodrow Wilson who stated later "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." So I am wondering how did Andrew Jackson, A man so completely against this system, end up on the most commonly used bill in existance the United States 20 dollar bill.

Illegal Smile

This is college sophomore stuff. Cute, but not worth the time.
This is college sophomore stuff. Cute, but not worth the time.
How can you say that, If you are so much further educated what is worth the time. Sorry to have to dissagree however I believe Human Existance past my generation is worth the time. Look at the bigger picture.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that these corporations can seemingly buy power.....
Money is our key issue.....
Its the golden rule, He who has the gold makes the rules.....
i suggest you take a good long look at the world, you might be forced to reevaluate what is and is not of utmost importance. the money you seem to believe rules the world is merely a by-product of the accumulation of power and it is not "he who has the gold makes the rules", but "he who makes the rules gets the gold". none of those evil corporations have the capacity to force our elected officials into trading the power handed to them by the electorate for wealth and control. our representatives willingly place that power on the market, shopping for the deal that will give them even greater control. these political animals are not slaves to corporate interests, but whores, renting out the control we have given them to the highest bidders. we have allowed ourselves to become complacent and no longer question the integrity of our representatives as thoroughly as we should. we take for granted our liberty and accept the media induced frenzy as gospel, choosing lies and smooth rhetoric over substance. we demand to be taken care of by the parental hand of government and become slaves in the process.

money is not the "key" issue. our own greed has deluded us into believing it is, but that was never the case. governments do not rule through money, they rule through force and control of the population. it is the armed might of nations, ready to be turned on either an outside enemy or their own disgruntled people, and the control they exert over the world wide marketplace that determines their place in the grand scheme of things. the power of corporate entities comes and goes, but the bureaucratic machine always retains the reins of power.

if you are waiting for a new system, don't hold your breath. it isn't the system's fault, any form of government will work if there is a proper ethical base upon which to build it. the fact is - we don't want things to change. change takes effort, it is a painful process and we avoid pain at all costs. the work ethic and basic morality have been overridden by our desires for the "easy way out" and a self-centered certainty that everyone is owed the "american dream". if it is felt that the dream can be attained through the intervention of a bloated government, that is what will be agreed upon. never mind that some small group may be stepped on and their rights trampled into the dust. the masses already have their liberty (at least they think they do), now they want all the goodies that are supposed to go along with it. if some rights are lost in the process, it's no big deal - they're making up new ones all the time and we weren't using them all in the first place.